Tipping Point : Life In 1984

The big climate news from various governmental organizations this week has been :

  • Temperatures are warming faster than predicted
  • Sea level is rising faster than predicted
  • Sandy was the worst storm in history
  • 2012 is the hottest year in US history

None of these claims have any basis in fact. It appears that a decision has been made to force the global warming narrative, in order to soften up the US citizenry for what comes next.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Tipping Point : Life In 1984

  1. Ivan says:

    Guess the year:
    “Is America heading towards Soviet collectivism? This is the ‘hottest’ dinner table subject in the United States as Congress is preparing to investigate some excited remarks by […], who declared that certain members of the Brain Trust had told him that they were deliberately leading [the President] towards a complete social and economic revolution.”

  2. RobertvdL says:

    – Dr Tim Ball PhD – http://www.DrTimBall.com – Globalist Eugenicide Green Agenda 21 of DEATH ! – Obama Green Policies will Kill the Economy and Destroy the Environment …


  3. gator69 says:

    “Warm is cold.
    Freedom is slavery.
    Ignorance is strength.”

  4. RobertvdL says:

    Colossal Collapse Coming


  5. In other words, “our previous predictions were crap, but you just gotta believe the shiny new ones”.

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