Guardian : London To Become Swampy Drowned Hot Desert Frozen Wasteland Rice Patty

Art exhibit portrays the wildly incoherent message from the climate science community, and the lemmings who follow them.

In a sane world, this exhibit would be considered to be satire.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Guardian : London To Become Swampy Drowned Hot Desert Frozen Wasteland Rice Patty

  1. Brendon says:

    Let that be a lesson, don’t take climate change advice from artists or weathermen.

  2. omnologos says:

    5 out of 14 photoshopped pictures have a clear racist undertone and organizations working to help refugees have already complained about that. From a certain point of view, those pictures are just another side of the coin that has shown us children being blown up to fight climate change.

  3. Sandy Rham says:

    Hot, Frozen ?????
    Caribou in Camberwell and caymans in Camden ????
    Love to know what their dealer slipped them!

  4. Philip Finck says:

    This for a change is excellent publicity for climate change.

    There are a few people who will look at this stuff and wring their hands, pull their hair and declare that something …… must be done.

    However, most people will look at this and simply shake their heads. We know that the climate science community has moved far from science into policy, public relations and lobbying. Thus, unless places (people) from NASA, UEA, MET, NOAA, etc speak up loudly and condem such a spectacle as `not scientific, an extreme and unlikely scenario, or simply wrong’, then by their silence they loose even more public credibility.

    They very quickly speak up against any threat to their scenarios. Thus they will be culpable by their silence.

    It is simply another example of the 10:10: video, a desperate attempt by a lobby that has reached it’s zenith and is in decline.

  5. Green Sand says:

    Here in the UK we are getting prepared, following this prediction:-


    “The Met Office, using data generated by a £33million supercomputer, claims Britain can stop worrying about a big freeze this year because we could be in for a milder winter than in past years.”

  6. Mike Davis says:

    They are now using the latest in Palm Reading and Crystal Gazing techniques. They are being independently verified by others reading Tea Leaves and Tarot Cards.
    None of the pictures depicts anything that has not been experienced in that region in geologic history other than the inclusion of buildings during the tropical and arid phases.

  7. truthsword says:

    Come on now they were just covering all bases… no harm in that, it’s like heads I win tales you lose… that’s what climate science has become.

  8. peterhodges says:

    yep, heat and drought cause by a high pressure system- cause by global warming

    cold and rain caused by a low pressure system- caused by global warming

    one thing, though. i believe the artist depicting a frozen landscape may be spot on.

    it’s getting colder 😉

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