Eruption Of Laki – 1783

In 1783, the Laki volcano in Iceland erupted. Gases from the volcano killed most of the island’s livestock and as a result – one fourth of the human population starved to death.

Winter temperatures in the US dropped almost 10F and stayed below normal for several years.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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31 Responses to Eruption Of Laki – 1783

  1. Perry says:

    That’s only the half of it. According to Wikipedia, the Laki eruption and its aftermath has been estimated to have killed over six million people globally, making it the deadliest volcanic eruption in historical times. The drop in temperatures, due to the sulfuric dioxide gases spewed into the northern hemisphere, caused crop failures in Europe, droughts in India, and Japan’s worst famine. A study showed that Laki caused an historic famine in Egypt.

    The summer of 1783 was the hottest on record and a rare high pressure zone over Iceland caused the winds to blow to the south-east.
    Sounds familiar?

    There was the Eyjafjallajökull eruption, which because of the unusually stable south-easterly path of the Jet Stream & because of the large quantity of glacial melt water flowing into the eruption vent, this eruption became sufficiently explosive that it was able to inject its ash plume directly into the jet stream. The ash was then carried over Europe into some of the busiest airspace in the world.

    (Sometimes Wiki does a reasonable job of collating the facts.)

  2. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    Since Tambora and Krakatoa there have not been any significant eruptions, the largest was Pinatuba in the 1990s. So we are very very due for one statistically soon. It could be some of the reason that temperature have been increasing gradually over the last 150 years.

    • Lazarus says:

      Scarlet Pumpernickel says:
      “It could be some of the reason that temperature have been increasing gradually over the last 150 years.”

      I’d love to see your science supporting that ‘theory’.

      • Mike Davis says:

        Any real scientific book about volcanoes will give you the answers you are seeking. You now just need to learn to read and comprehend rather than obeying your “Puppet Masters”.
        Have a Nice Day!!! 🙂

      • PhilJourdan says:

        Lazarus – read his response again. let me help:

        “It could be” – that is not stating a fact, but merely pointing out a direction of study to investigate to find out the truth of the matter.

        “Some of the reason” – A clear statement that it is not the sole source of the over all hypothesis, but a contributing factor.

        Now that I have dissected the important part of the statement, you, as the pretend scientist, can now do the science work and unequivocally dismiss his statement with your wealth of facts.

        Please note, neither Scarlet Pumpernickel nor myself ever mentions the word “Theory”. Indeed, I was the one that interjected the word “Hypothesis”. Science does not deal with certainties, but religion does. Your statement reeks of dogma, not scientific inquiry or even skepticism.

      • Lazarus says:

        Mike Davis says: “Any real scientific book about volcanoes will give you the answers you are seeking”.

        Let me get this straight, you believe that Scarlet Pumpernickel could be on to something and the reason that temperature has been increasing is a lack of volcanic eruptions? And you claim to have read this in a book?

    • Lazarus says:

      PhilJourdan says:

      ““It could be” – that is not stating a fact, but merely pointing out a direction of study to investigate to find out the truth of the matter.”

      Are you saying that directing funds to investigate Pumpernickel’s ‘theory/hypothesis’ that warming could be caused by lack of volcanoes would be a worthwhile exercise to ‘find out the truth of the matter’?

      What about an Alien death ray directed from Venus – it could be that too, so how do you think that stands as ‘merely pointing out a direction of study to investigate to find out the truth of the matter’?

      • PhilJourdan says:

        Alas, that is the mindset of the warmists. You have summarily dismissed a valid idea with no facts, data or scientific inquiry. And you attempt to denigrate it with stupid analogies that have no bearing on the matter (pretty much why warmists try to use the denier label). In other words, instead of looking at the science, you fall back on the dogma to protect a religion, not advance the scientific debate or the body of knowledge.

        And for the record, neither I nor Scarlet talked about “directing funds”. That again is a lame attempt by the body religious to misdirect the debate. The funding of science did not use to be a government obligation – until this debacle of hokum psuedo science came along where there is no science, and just dogma.

  3. R. de Haan says:

    Huge part of Europe, Great Britain, Norway, later France and Germany, Poland Ukrain North Africa and North America were cloaked in a thick deadly fog of volcanic emissions. This fog that accumulated in the lower valley’s riverbeds and lakes left people dead in the fields.

    The unseasonable cold and the failed crops came as a bonus.
    Europe and North America experienced 2 extremely harsh winters.

  4. R. de Haan says:

    I can recommend this link for up to date information about geological and volcanic events in Iceland Jón Fríman.

    His current subject:
    The possible eruption of Grímsvötn Volcano.

  5. R. de Haan says:

    I think Scarlet Pumpernickel is right.
    It is a well known fact that the Pinatubu eruption caused a 4 year drop in Global temperatures.

    Also during the Little Ice Age increased volcanic activity made a significant contribution to lower temperatures with big eruptions like Laki (1783) and Tambora (1816) caused extreme winter conditions even during the summer.

    • But …… climate scientists keep saying that volcanoes make the Earth unbearably hot ………. when convenient

      • Lazarus says:

        “climate scientists keep saying that volcanoes make the Earth unbearably hot ”

        I suppose naming some of these scientists would be to big of an ask?

      • Mike Davis says:

        Does the PETM Boundary event come to mind?

      • glacierman says:

        Here is one we recently discussed here:

        Professor Jim Zachos, University of California, Santa Cruz
        Who Said: ” that 55 million years ago volcanic activity caused around 4,500 gigatons of greenhouse gases to be released into the atmosphere over thousands of years.

        This caused the planet to warm by 6C (10.8F), forcing whole ecosystems, including early mammals, to adapt, migrate or die out in certain areas. ”

        Link in case you missed it:

      • ChrisD says:

        RdH: It is a well known fact that the Pinatubu eruption caused a 4 year drop in Global temperatures.

        SG: But …… climate scientists keep saying that volcanoes make the Earth unbearably hot ………. when convenient

        As I’m quite certain you know, Steve, climate scientists are aware of, and have done considerable research on, the dual nature of volcanic activity. Massive ejections of particulates have a short-term cooling tendency. Massive emissions of GHGs have a longer term warming tendency.

        Do you think your readers are completely stupid, or what?

        • I see. So volcanoes have no effect on the climate, and they also massively heat and massively cool the climate.

          I’m certain that at least one of the readers is stupid.

      • ChrisD says:

        Stop spamming.

      • Lazarus says:

        stevengoddard says:
        “I’m certain that at least one of the readers is stupid.”

        Personally I wouldn’t just limit this to the readers.

    • glacierman says:

      Oh, and the best part of this is how they used this to shoehorn in CAGW dogma: “Prof Zachos said that if the world continues to pump out greenhouse gases at the current rate, around 5,000 gigatons of greenhouse gases will be released into the atmosphere over a few hundred years.

      He said this will cause a more rapid temperature rise that at any other time in history and could cause “mass extinction of species”.

      And this little bit was picked up the the British Geological Society in their offical statement: “The geological evidence from the 55 million year event and from earlier warming episodes suggests that such an addition [a massive increase in greenhouse gases caused by the activities of mankind] is likely to raise average global temperatures by at least 5 to 6C, and possibly more, and that recovery of the Earth’s climate in the absence of mitigation measures could take 100,000 years or more. Numerical models of the climate system support such an interpretation. In the light of the evidence presented here it is reasonable to conclude that emitting further large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere over time is likely to be unwise, uncomfortable though that fact may be.”

      So, do some warmist use volcanic activity to espouse catastrophic warming?

  6. R. de Haan says:

    Yes, don’t you love it.

  7. Perry says:


    Raise yourself and take a long walk off a short pier. Do you like sex & travel?

    • Lazarus says:

      Perry says:
      “Raise yourself and take a long walk off a short pier. Do you like sex & travel?”

      Nice one Perry! With rebuttal of this intellectual magnitude I fail to see how anyone could not believe your every opinion.

  8. Perry says:

    Mike Davis, November 4, 2010 at 1:21 pm

    Joseph-Michel Montgolfier (26 August 1740 – 26 June 1810) and Jacques-Étienne Montgolfier (6 January 1745 – 2 August 1799) weren’t grounded!!!

    “Later, in December 1783, in recognition of their achievement, their father Pierre was elevated to the nobility and the hereditary appellation of de Montgolfier by King Louis XVI of France.”

    • Mike Davis says:

      I guess they ignored to output of the UK MET office GCM runs and disobyed the EU Air Traffic Controllers who were paying attention to the dire projections from the UK MET! 😉

  9. R. de Haan says:

    Chris D,

    I don’t take the scientific report you referred to about the warming that took place due to massive volcanic emission 45 million years ago serious at all.

    These kind of reports have been written thousand fold during the past 15 years in support of the hoax that CO2 has the capacity to significantly warm the planet.

    The same is true for the so called Green and sustainable power generation.

    Everybody is blabbering about it but the reality is that green and sustainable power generation is a huge scam.

    A single wind farm uses up to 10 times the amounts of steel, concrete and rare earth materials than it takes to build and power a nuclear plant.

    Building this “sustainable” nightmare will result in exactly the opposite objective that is aimed at preserving our planet. We will be digging new mines and blowing mountain tops all over the planet to get the required materials.
    The same goes for solar and electric cars.

    Besides that we will burn our fossil fuel reserves at a much much faster because all this so called green and sustainable power generation can’t be produced without oil and always is in need of conventional power back up.

    Green and sustainable power does not exist.

    It’s all plain rubbish and it has to be stopped ASAP.

  10. R. de Haan says:

    Iceland shaky, shaky:

    In the mean time Merapi is blowing it’s top and Krakatau has erupted with 19 other Indonesian Volcano’s at Yellow Status (ready to blow)

    last week we saw two big eruptions in the Far East when Shiveluch and Kluschevskaya erupted.

    And that’s not all.
    Volcano’s are shaking awake all over the place and this coincides with an increase in seismic activity.

    I don’t think it’s a coincidence that solar minimum conditions, increased seismic activity, higher volcanic activity and cooler times coincide.

    Not the very best times to face with empty pockets and a wrecked economy.

    • Mike Davis says:

      It is all about shifts in magnetic fields and gravitational forces. Those factors have been known and either ignored or explained my magical sources since the beginning of recorded history. Thor and Zues come to mind and the entire field of mythology.

  11. R. de Haan says:

    Merapi going Nuclear

  12. R. de Haan says:

    Merapi going Nuclear?

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