NRDC : Sea Level Rising 11mm Per Year In LA!

When saving the planet, you just have to make up all kinds of facts.

A new report says that by the mid point of this decade sea level will be a foot and a half higher. That, in our view, could be devastating to the way-too-close-to-the-beach development in Malibu and to other parts of the L.A. County coastline, like Marina Del Rey and the low-lying community of Venice. (Think of those winter-storm days with high tides, big waves and another foot or so of water level).

But that’s not the half of it. The Natural Resources Defense Council this week made some scary projections about the effects of global warming in L.A. in the coming years:

Sea level in LA hasn’t risen for about 30 years. Amazing that LA Weekly reporters will swallow whatever lies they are fed by green groups.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to NRDC : Sea Level Rising 11mm Per Year In LA!

  1. stee says:

    To be fair, it’s the LA Weekly, not the LA Times.

  2. stee says:

    and it’s a blog, not a real reporter. In fact, the blogger’s expertise is on the dance music scene in los angeles.

  3. It’s quite obvious what was meant, as quoted later in the article: “Sea level rise projections along the California coast relative to 2000 level ranges from 12 to 18 inches by 2050 , and could rise as much as 20 to 55 inches by 2100”

  4. pat says:

    Never went and checked, did he?

  5. Sundance says:

    Are the universities offering classes on how to make scary climate projections or is this an idea that was stolen from fortune tellers who would provide vague future doom to get you to come back for more fortune telling sessions?

  6. gator69 says:

    NRDC = Numbskull Radicals Devoted to Communism

  7. Anziani says:


  8. Charles says:

    NRDC needs to continue with the warming alarms as essential marketing for their fundraising efforts. There is a lot of dough at stake in this game. They are essentially an advocacy group for the democrats.

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