Actually, Neurotic People Don’t Have The Right Stuff

Twitter / billmckibben: If Neil Armstrong was looking …

McKibben has gone too far this time.  Where do you start with this stupidity?

Astronauts were picked for having the “Right Stuff” which did not include weakness, fear of their own shadow or dishonesty. A group of NASA’s finest (including Apollo astronauts) just blasted Hansen for wrecking NASA with his junk climate science and junk politics. There isn’t any indication that Neil Armstrong was worried about the climate when he died today.

From a scientific point of view, McKibben also gets a big zero.

The moon orbits the earth in the ecliptic, so you can barely see the Arctic from the moon

Armstrong stepped on the moon in July. There is always a lot less ice at the end of August.

McKibben knows nothing about the state of Arctic ice prior to 1979. The IPCC reported a large increase from 1974 to 1979.

And the CIA reported a large increase prior to 1974.

There can be little doubt that Armstrong would have been thrilled to have seen earth from the Moon again. People had bigger problems to deal with and didn’t make up imaginary fears about essential trace gasses.

It is pretty disgusting of McKibben to try to co-opt Neil Armstrong’s great accomplishments into McKibben’s pathetic failures.

h/t to Marc Morano

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Actually, Neurotic People Don’t Have The Right Stuff

  1. El;iza says:

    And the 800mb zero C isobar is nearly in the tropics in South America.
    And you know what it means? Nothing. Totally normal, occurs nearly every winter everywhere. Of course the AGW is going to beat the NH ice drum to death it was expected.. Its the only item they have got left…. all the jobs that will be lost when AGW scam is uncovered (soon) re Legal action Mann ect. How bloody awful LOL

  2. kim2ooo says:

    Reblogged this on Climate Ponderings.

  3. Steve says:

    To use the passing of an American icon & hero is pathetic to say the least!

  4. leftinbrooklyn says:

    Twitter needs a more strict usage policy. After the ‘street lights are melting’ debacle, McKibben should have been suspended for ‘Tweeting Under the Influence’.

  5. sunsettommy says:

    The few comments in McKibben’s twitter are good!

  6. rocknblues81 says:

    Does this guy whine like this every day? Damn.

    Does this guy ever enjoy life?

  7. PaddikJ says:

    If Mann or Trenberth or Gavin Schmidt or Phil Jones had twittered that it would be contemptable. Whatever else they are, they’re not stupid. But when McKibbles or Hansimian do it it’s just pathetic. A couple of brain-damaged loons.

  8. “There can be little doubt that Armstrong would have been thrilled to have seen earth from the Moon again. People had bigger problems to deal with and didn’t make up imaginary fears about essential trace gasses.”

    Amen to that. So what’s wrong with Americans these days? Perhaps it’s too much imaginary wealth, the insanity that forms the foundation for the “magic of the marketplace”. People see wealth in all kinds of things that aren’t wealth: gold, other metals, paper money, financial instruments, the horny hand of (stupid, coerced) labor. The ability to bring a man to the moon, let him walk on it, gather rocks, and return alive — that’s wealth! It is something that neither Adam Smith nor Karl Marx understood at all. Other economists, less well known: Matthew and Henry Carey, Friedrich List, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Jean Baptiste Colbert, G.W. Leibniz, and Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. — they understood and understand.

    Americans today tolerate Obama because they believe in imaginary wealth, which Obama and Romney both promise to deliver, and which Obama has delivered in copious quantities, although he has not delivered precious metals in the same quantity as paper money and financial instruments, with the result that the price of the former has soared despite continued improvement in the supply/demand ratio. Study Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. and you’ll see what Obama has destroyed and what Obama or Romney will destroy if elected, therefore ouster of Obama and selection of a new nominee is our only hope.

  9. McKibben knows nothing about the state of Arctic ice prior to 1979. The IPCC reported a large increase from 1974 to 1979.

    And don’t forget, Steve, that according to HH Lamb

    Kukla & Kukla (1974) report that the area of snow and ice, integrated over the year across the Northern Hemisphere, was 12% more in 1973 than in 1967, when the first satellite surveys were made.


    a renewed increase (especially since 1961) of the Arctic sea ice, which has created difficulties on the northern sea routes in Soviet and Canadian Arctic waters and has produced some bad seasons on the coasts of Iceland and Greenland.

    In other words the 1974-79 increase shown on your graph only includes a small part of the increase from 1960-79.

  10. Eric Barnes says:

    McGibbon must be very happy that there is actually a hurricane that should allow him to whip the AGW faithful into a frenzy. It’s hard work claiming the world is coming to an end when there is plenty to eat, there are no natural disasters and the only material you have to work with is a bunch of statistics on temperature and the amount of ice in a place that nobody lives in.

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