Stop Lying, Barack Obama

And yes, my plan will continue to reduce the carbon pollution that is heating our planet – because climate change is not a hoax.  More droughts and floods and wildfires are not a joke.  They’re a threat to our children’s future.  And in this election, you can do something about it. 

President Obama’s Speech: Full Text From the Democratic National Convention –

There isn’t one shred of evidence that droughts, floods or wildfires have increased. What kind of person would say something like that? There also isn’t one shred of evidence that American voters can change the number of droughts and floods and wildfires.

Had Roosevelt claimed that he could control the dust bowl drought, he would have been locked up in a loony bin.

Throw the bum out. He is a complete fraud.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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44 Responses to Stop Lying, Barack Obama

  1. squid2112 says:

    Freedom-loving Americans!

    We stand before a precipice. Will we allow this nation to fall further away from what this nation was founded upon; life, liberty, and property…or will we let a man who fancies himself a dictator destroy this nation?

    A man who nationalized Chrysler and GM?
    A man who nationalized the student loan industry?
    A man who endorses late term abortion?
    A man who imposes his will upon Catholics who will not submit to a clear violation of their rights?
    A man who is attacking the very industries that provide energy in this country to promote a false and discredited theory?
    A man who believes that Marxism is a valid mode of government, in the face of 100 million deaths over the past century to prove otherwise?
    A man who displays such narcissism that he supplants the time honoured symbol of his party with his campaign logo?
    A man who is more concerned with his golf game than protecting the border, or backing a long time ally in whom their lives are very much in jeopardy?
    A man who supports Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Muslim Brotherhood in their attempts at rebuilding the Caliphate?
    A man who has violated your personal, bodily sovereignty with the abomination of “Obamacare”?
    A man who circumvents the Constitution at will, in the face of an irrelevant Congress?

    This list could go on for pages and pages. He must be defeated! He must be removed from his office. He must be tossed into the dust bin of history with all of the other attempted dictators throughout history. Americans must assert their freedoms in the face of this coward.

    • gator69 says:

      But I keep hearing Romney is no different, and that we should just write in Ron Paul. 😉

      • johnmcguire says:

        Hey Gator 69 , just keep track of what fearless leader romney does if he gets in . As I recall he was big on romneycare . And we will see how many of his buddies he rewards . With Ron Paul , we would have the best and the brightest in positions of power , and there would be no rewards for people at the cost of taxpayer dollars . Ron Paul is scarey to some because he is of the opinion you should be responsible and accountable for your actions . You know , like the founding fathers thought . The military industrial complex will thrive under romney and the ripoff called the federal reserve ( it ain’t federal and there is no reserve ) will continue .

      • gator69 says:

        The founders would have had no issue with ‘Romneycare’, as it is a state’s rights issue. And as ‘governor’ of a wildly liberal state, whose congress was 80% democrat, Romney had no choice but to implement the choices of his state’s citizens. Romney was not ‘dictator’ of Massachusetts.

        Also, the fact that you believe Romney is an unethical man shows how little you know of him. Just vote for Obama John.

      • johnmcguire says:

        Gator 69 , by your statement I assume you mean that if romney continues to support the military industrial complex and does nothing about the federal reserve ( it ain’t federal and there is no reserve ) then he is unethical . And while I would not vote for obama , your boy romney will be no different . You are attempting to say that standing for principals is the same as voting for evil and that is beneath the dignity of a sceptical mind .

      • gator69 says:

        My family has been part of the so called ‘military industrial complex’ since the revolution, and your disdain for our armed forces is one reason why people look sideways at Paul supporters.

        Maybe you need to go back and read Squid’s post again, you missed a thingy or two.

      • johnmcguire says:

        Gator 69 , I have been very civil and friendly in my dicourse with you and now you are trying to put words in my mouth by implying I am anti armed forces . I am against the mechanism that contiualy starts trouble and strife in the world in order to capitalise on the conflicts to further financial gain . I served in the military and in no way disdain the efforts made by sevice people to protect our country . I am against sticking our nose where it doesn’t belong in order to further some private money making agenda .

      • gator69 says:

        “I am against the mechanism that contiualy starts trouble and strife in the world…”

        I hope to God you are speaking of Islam.

        John, it is a common tactic to sow confusion in the ranks of the enemy. Just yesterday I heard a woman (black) saying she was an independent and in spite of Obama’s shortcomings, she just could not vote for Romney. Then she let it slip that she had in fact NEVER voted for a republican. That, my friends, is a democrat!

        John, do we need to go point by point from Squid’s post above?

      • johnmcguire says:

        Gator , you are implying that I , in some way , disagree with what Squid has to say about obama and the precipice he is pushing this country to . My disagreement is with the republican choice of the man to right the ship of state and get America back on track as a contstitutional government . We know Ron Pauls stance on the constitution but Mitt Romney has shown himself willing to comprimise constitutional principal in order to get along . One example is his romneycare which you state he had to go along with . I’ve never seen Ron Paul go along with anything he understood to be unconstitutional . Principals are absolute or they are not principals , they are just guide lines .

      • gator69 says:

        “Mitt Romney has shown himself willing to comprimise constitutional principal in order to get along . One example is his romneycare which you state he had to go along with.”

        Please do not leave out the state’s rights point, that is key. Romney would have to implement a national healthcare act to violate our constitution. What country are you from?

      • johnmcguire says:

        Gator , whether done on a state level or a federal level to force people to pay for something that is used by others and in no way benefits the payee is unconstitutional. This nation has strayed far from the constitutional principals in all levels of government . In order to bring this degredation of the constitution to a halt we need a man who has shown himself to be unswayed in his stand for pricipal . No man better exemplifies this ability than Ron Paul . The republican behavior in this election cycle has been deplorable . They have used every trick they could come up with in order to discredit and disinfranchise Ron Paul . Such displicable behavior is unsuitable for justification by supporting it .

      • gator69 says:

        “Gator , whether done on a state level or a federal level to force people to pay for something that is used by others and in no way benefits the payee is unconstitutional.”

        John, stop while you’re not as wrong as you could be! Our constitution allows states to implement laws that would not be permitted nationally. Don’t you remember ‘vote with your feet’? You need to study our constitution before you call anything else ‘unconstitutional’.

        Again, what country are you from?

      • johnmcguire says:

        Gator , I did forget to mention that states rights are very important as anything not listed in the constitution falls to the state or the people . States rights have been trampled on in many areas of policy and who will correct this ? Do you think Mitt Romney would be more likely to stand for states rights than Ron Paul ? Gator , I remain unconvinced by your presentation and I thank you for your time and consideration . I appreciate your stance on agw and thank you for your constant defense of science . I have got to go now as work calls but look forward to seeing your comments under new posts .

      • gator69 says:

        John, you still have not told me from whence you hail. And as for Romney defending state’s rights, have you forgotten about his religion? If anyone is going to defend individual rights, it will be a Mormon.

      • johnmcguire says:

        Gator , I noticed as I logged off that you had posted again and I feel I must reply as you apparently have forgotten that state laws can be challenged at the federal level as to their constitutionality. As to where I hail from it is from that country and era that believed in supporting the constitution. And I would further point out that the supreme court is not always right in their judgement of constitutionality . This ruling that obamacare is a tax is ludicrous and destructive . I have morman friends but do not think that Mitt Romney being of the morman persuation would make him more likely to make wiser judgements than Ron Paul. Thanks for the conversation .

      • gator69 says:

        You are still not recognizing that there is nothing unconstitutional about what Romney did. The citizens of Mass wanted it, they got it and two thirds are happy with it. Romney ‘governed’ as our founders intended, get over it.

        Now, shall we go over Squid’s points one by one>

      • Gary Johnson is carrying forward the libertarian message he and Ron Paul share . He’ll be on virtually all the ballots and if he’s kept out of the debates it will show the world we are less of an open democracy than Tunisia .

        LIVE_FREE ! 5% to deny the next prez a majority ; 35% to win .

      • gator69 says:

        Bob, two words.



      • sunsettommy says:

        No he is much better and yet he does have his flaws too.

        The patriotic thing to do is vote out the Muslim loving closet communist out of office and that is Barry Sotero.

        Romney looks good in comparison to the current occupier in the White (ooops racist remark!) House.

      • Ok , “Ross Perot” . What’s your point ?

        I voted for Perot because at least he could do arithmetic .

        I’ll be partially happy if Johnson can force the next prez to be minority elected denying him any claim of “mandate” . I care very little which one of them wins ; there are few degrees of freedom separating them .

        But , particularly after the demonstrations that both parties ignore their own delegates’ loud voice votes to do whatever their central committees decree , if Johnson is kept out of the debates , it will show the world that we are no longer even pretene to be an open democracy .

      • Obama has just continued and accelerated Shrub’s agenda ( and Romney’s care ) . Remarkably both parties displayed their utter corruption in their tax funded multi-day scripted infomercials . The can no longer be called “conventions” because the assembled delegates are just camera dressing ; even dissenting majorities are quashed .

      • Obama has just continued and accelerated Shrub’s agenda

        Hmm, who was it who always called George W. Bush “Shrub”? I can think of two parties: Texas Democrats & 911 Troofers.

        Got any questions?

      • Stark , you remind me that Ann Richardson might have been the first to use Shrub . Don’t know about those idiots with so weak an attachment to reality that they deny what we saw with our eyes , and later was in our shoes and in our air . My notes from that evening are at .

        I didn’t help put Clinton in office ; those who voted for him did . And the Repubs who put up someone I could not vote for .

        It was Trent Lott’s praising the senate for maintaining “collegiality” while handing Rehnquist a commemorative plaque for participating in making it official that a president can be more of a liar than lawyers allow among themselves that made me become politically active . But Bush Sr started the line of lying presidents and Shrub took it to a cosmic level . And in retrospect , after Hillarycare was shot down , he became the most conservative president economically we’ve had in a long time . And the economy responded .

        Back then it wasn’t so obvious that the parties formed an almost indistinguishable duopoly waging war both over seas and on their own people , and on science , and on the very building block of life itself. But if anybody could have doubted it , the central authoritarianism displayed by the national committees of both parties in their conventions should have put an end to that .

        If Johnson is not prevented from being in the debates , all bets are off . Jesse Ventura points out he was only at 10% in the polls before his Minnesota debates , and 6 weeks later he was governor . If he is kept out of the debates , it will show the world what a second rate sham democracy we have become .


      • gator69 says:

        Jesse Ventura. Another troofer. And yes, you people that threw votes to Perot elected Slick Willy.


      • What’s your hang up on “Troofers” . They are innumerate idiots . What’s the term for an “ad hominem” when it isn’t even aimed correctly ? That Ventura is one has nothing to do with the fact that the Minnesota debates took him from unknown to Governor .

        I despise the criminality of the Clintons . See . But , after Hillarycare was shot down , and the repubs controlled congress , he was much better economically than what we’ve had since .

        Bush Jr’s bellicose zionist socialism is why there is a massive rebellion . And both parties pledge allegiance to that path .

      • gator69 says:

        Bob, you never addressed Squid’s points above. In fact, each time I redirected the dialogue, you threw up strawmen. It is completely fallacious to say there is no difference between Romney and that Marxist con man in the White House.

        Please compare and contrast Willard Mitchell Romney vs Barack Hussein Obama using Squid’s points above, and we will discuss them later. 😉

      • johnmcguire says:

        Gator , you seem hung up on squids points when no one else is disputing them . Your boy oromney is now saying there are parts of obamacare he would keep . I told you so hahahahahahaha . The only difference between oromney and robama is skin color . They would both be attack dogs of the world , both are controled by the new world order crowd , both will sell their souls for money and power . Gator are you a paid or unpaid shill for the powers that be ?

      • gator69 says:

        “Gator , you seem hung up on squids points when no one else is disputing them.”

        Certianly you are not, as you still have not identified them.

        “Your boy oromney is now saying there are parts of obamacare he would keep. I told you so hahahahahahaha.”

        Actually, if you had paid attention, he said he would ‘replace’ Obamacare and that there are provisions of Obamacare he likes, proving he is fathoms deeper than you could ever ‘hope’ to be. 😉

        “The only difference between oromney and robama is skin color. They would both be attack dogs of the world, both are controled by the new world order crowd, both will sell their souls for money and power.”

        Once again…

        A man who nationalized Chrysler and GM?
        A man who nationalized the student loan industry?
        A man who endorses late term abortion?
        A man who imposes his will upon Catholics who will not submit to a clear violation of their rights?
        A man who is attacking the very industries that provide energy in this country to promote a false and discredited theory?
        A man who believes that Marxism is a valid mode of government, in the face of 100 million deaths over the past century to prove otherwise?
        A man who displays such narcissism that he supplants the time honoured symbol of his party with his campaign logo?
        A man who is more concerned with his golf game than protecting the border, or backing a long time ally in whom their lives are very much in jeopardy?
        A man who supports Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Muslim Brotherhood in their attempts at rebuilding the Caliphate?
        A man who has violated your personal, bodily sovereignty with the abomination of “Obamacare”?
        A man who circumvents the Constitution at will, in the face of an irrelevant Congress?

        “Gator are you a paid or unpaid shill for the powers that be?”

        Bob, are you an idiot? I am not.

      • gator , I’ve seen enough of Romney to see he’ll be whatever he thinks will sell . Squid points out that he’s even more of a warmonger ready to sacrifice more American men and wealth in the service of zionism than Obama , and he holds the conceit that the government can usefully try to get between a woman and her womb .

        And BTW , Eisenhower , who I think was probably the best president in my lifetime , was famous for playing golf .

        I’ll go with the mountain climber . Gary Johnson is far and away the class of the field , and I won’t waste my vote perpetuating the Statist status quo .

        LIVE_FREE ! 35% to win .

        But this is so off topic , this is my last post about it . I need to finish the paper I’m working on going thru the computation of the equilibrium temperature of colored balls in our orbit .

      • gator69 says:

        Bob, just put an Obama bumper sticker on your forehead and be done with it already.

  2. NikFromNYC says:

    The words ‘climate’ and ‘hoax’ in one breath is his “I am not a crook” moment, and it forever pegs liberalism to very confident weather prophesy.

    • Brian G Valentine says:

      Ha. Even low level confidence criminals know enough not to say “this is not a scam.”

      So, he lacks not only brains but common sense, and he has now sealed his election loss.

  3. kim2ooo says:

    Reblogged this on Climate Ponderings.

  4. RobertvdL says:

    An authentic member of the US House of Representatives—new-york-s-9th—yvette-clarke

    With this kind of Representatives what could go wrong ?

  5. I wish everyone in media had yelled this in 2008, when Obama claimed not to know what Rev. Wright was, after 20 years in his church. And what do people expect from a mere politician, when the top climate scientists at NOAA (Kevin Trenberth) and Goddard Institute (James Hansen) are hysterical children, and all — ALL — of our institutions have been suborned into believing their bad science?

    • philjourdan says:

      The Election of 2008 was too late. America would have elected a mongrel cur if the democrats had nominated him. The time to stop him was against Hillary. But would she have been any different?

      Essentially we had no choice in 2008. We had Edwards (a felon), Hillary (a lying shrill) or Obama (a disaster). But one of those was going to win because of the policies of Clinton, Dodd and Frank that caused the recession,.

      • Andy DC says:

        Republicans had both the Presidency and Congress from 2001-2007. They had ample opportunity to revise the policies of Clinton, Dodd and Frank. And they didn’t. So the Republicans are not exactly blame free for the recession.

  6. gator69 says:

    “He played on our fears!”
    Al Gore

  7. oeman50 says:

    Steve, all of those stories you post about floods and fires and so on must be hoaxes because after BHO’s speach I now know CO2 causes them. CO2 was much less back in the 1930’s. I believe him over my lyin’ eyes. And CO2 must be much higher in Colorado because that is why you guys had that big fire back in July.

    Maybe you can help me by answering a question. How does CO2 choose which one it wants to cause, a drought, or a flood or a wildfire? That must be a tough decision.

  8. Laurence Crossen says:

    Science began with the Pre-Socratics and the Epicurean philosophers who objected to the fear-mongering and guilt-mongering suggestions that our sins influence the weather. Kerry, Obama and the National Center for Science Education have parted company with science and natural philosophy when they make these suggestions.

  9. Eric Webb says:

    “Stop lying Barack Obama” That’s not going to happen, and it is almost as bad as trying to tell Jeff Masters to stop being a AGW alarmist, which will probably never happen either. (at least anytime soon.)

  10. philjourdan says:

    @gator69 says: September 10, 2012 at 3:12 pm

    “A man who endorses late term abortion?”

    Actually, many people support late term Abortion. What makes Obama so nauseating is that he also supports infanticide. He voted to kill children who were the product of botched abortions and born alive.

    But the rest of the list looks accurate.

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