Smithsonian Goes Full Stupid On Global Warming

Headlines this summer have announced 2012 as America’s hottest year on record, with particularly brutal heat waves striking the Northeast, and stunning temperature highs all but cooking Death Valley and other Southwest desert hotspots.

What many papers have not pointed out, however, is that 2012 is shaping up to be among the warmest on record worldwide.

Where Has the Heat Been Most Oppresive This Summer? | Off the Road

2012 is shaping up to be one of the coolest years of the last fifteen. Are newspapers obliged to lie?

British Winemakers Say “Cheers” to Climate Change. The unfurling story of Southern England’s new and growing wine industry also seems to leave little doubt that global warming is real.

Summer temperatures in England have been plummeting for almost two decades.

Monthly_HadCET_mean.txt (1659 on)

Death Valley. On July 11, the temperature hit 128 degrees Fahrenheit in Death Valley

In 1913, they had an entire week over 127 degrees.

One might think that the Smithsonian knows a little bit about history, but apparently that isn’t the case.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Smithsonian Goes Full Stupid On Global Warming

  1. Earth, the 3rd Electron from the Nucleus, Is in Its “Sphere of Influence”

    Serious students will want to consider Bohr’s 1915 discovery the Solar System has the same structure as atoms. [This discovery was recognized with a Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922.]

    And the latest discovery by NASA’s Voyager:spacecraft

    Just as the atomic nucleus has a “sphere of influence” that extends out beyond the last electron, ~100,000 times the nuclear radius.

    NASA found the Sun’s “sphere of influence” extends out beyond the last planet to the edge of the Solar System, ~10^5 times the solar radius.

    Earth is completely engulfed, being only ~4% of the distance from the solar pulsar core to the outer edge of its “sphere of influence.”

    We may recognize the presence of that powerful “sphere of influence” through experimentation, observation, measurements, meditation, prayer, scriptures or science fiction stories about “the force.”

    Or be enslaved by those preaching the incompatibility of science and religion,
    While converting government science into the most dogmatic form of religion !

    Science corruption began with the United Nations formation on 24 Oct 1945 When foolish world leaders decided to be the “Higher Power” themselves.

    The solar photosphere is only ~0.004% of the distance from the solar pulsar core to the outer edge of its “sphere of influence.” Deep-seated magnetic fields cause “sunspots” and massive “solar” eruptions so close to the pulsar.

    Regretfully, the Smithsonian, Al Gore and the UN overlooked the work of Neils Bohr.
    – Oliver K. Manuel

    • Not to deny the obvious influence of the Sun on the temperature level of the Earth, but Bohr was a soft-headed, “metaphysical” scientist, who only HYPOTHESIZED that the atom was structured like a solar system, with electrons orbiting a nucleus like planets orbiting the Sun. Although every first year university physics student is still taught it, that “solar system atom” hypothesis was never confirmed (in fact, it is nonsense — believe it or not; there is no use arguing with me about it here — since orbiting electrons constitute accelerated charges, and would radiate energy, so that the “solar system atom” would quickly collapse — it cannot be sustained, except in vain mental supposition, by simply inventing a new rule, ad hoc, as Bohr did, that orbiting electrons DON’T radiate). Students of quantum mechanics are taught early on (well, they used to be) that the “Bohr atom” is a naive picture, not to be trusted and long ago succeeded by the later quantum theory. (The only thing left of it is the idea of discrete energy levels available to the atom; and the “orbiting electrons” are now just a probabilistic “cloud” of possible positions of the never-confirmed “atomic electrons”.) I suggest you read Dewey B. Larson’s “Case Against the Nuclear Atom” (1962), available online, for some much-needed alternative thinking. Bohr was a fool, as far as I am concerned, and he is one of the principle jokers who has misled physicists — mostly mathematical physicists, without physical insight — for nearly a century. But I don’t claim to have all the answers physicists want, either, so let’s just say I don’t care for your choice of Bohr as a hero in physics, and leave it at that.

  2. omnologos says:

    Off the road, off the brain

  3. pyeatte says:

    Being a Government institution, what would happen to the Smithsonian if they went against the Obama Administration?

    • They would be gone. That is exactly the type of action the US National Academy of Sciences should be protecting the scientific community from.

      Instead they hopped into bed with the politicians that controlled the purse strings.

    • derfel cadarn says:

      Which is exactly the reason scientific organizations should not be funded by tax dollars. The truth is not always politically palatable. Science needs the freedom to speak the truth no matter how discordant that truth may be.

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