Understanding Global Warming Theory

scientists and policymakers draw on the past to predict the future. Until now, they have therefore placed much weight on the rapid temperature increases in the Eighties and Nineties. But for at least a decade, these have dramatically slowed, even as carbon dioxide emissions have continued to increase.

Global warming: time to rein back on doom and gloom? – Telegraph

Falling temperatures mean global warming has slowed 

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Wood for Trees: Interactive Graphs

Falling still means rising

None of this justifies the frequent claim by climate sceptics that global warming has stopped, and may now reverse. Long lulls have occurred before, only for temperatures to resume their relentless rise.

The relentless rise in stupidity among the press over the last couple of decades is indeed a phenomenon. Earth’s temperature regularly cycles about 12C. The unprecedented  0.6C warming over the last 150 years is 97% due to junk science and a dumbed down populace.

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New Antarctic Ice Core Data

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Understanding Global Warming Theory

  1. Bill Gannon says:

    Cold is now the new warm. The citizens of Belgium will be paying higher prices for veggies this year, a large part of the harvest is lost due to frozen ground. Thousands of lambs and sheep lost in Ireland, due to copious amounts of “thing of the past”. Forget about the canary in Alaska, put the canary on Northern Europe instead. Some geologists claim that ice ages begin in Europe, others claim Eastern Europe.

  2. It’s the new 97%

  3. robert barclay says:

    This unbelievable tripe won’t be killed until people understand that you can’t heat water from above due to surface tension. Try applying heat from a paint stripping heat gun to the surface of water and you will find that the heat is emphatically rejected. This is what happened to Trenberth’s missing heat You cannot store heat in the ocean. The only energy to enter the ocean is via radiation not physical heat. Solar activity has recently declined so its getting cold because there is no backup heat because of surface tension.

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