1910 Shock News : The Largest Fire In US History Occurred During The Coldest Year Ever

Great Fire of 1910

Believed to be the largest fire in U.S. history, the Great Fire of 1910 burned over two days from August 21 and August 21, 1910, in the states of Washington, Idaho and Montana. An estimated three million acres of land were burned by the blaze and 87 people were killed.

Largest Wildfires in US History | List of the Worst Wild Fires

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to 1910 Shock News : The Largest Fire In US History Occurred During The Coldest Year Ever

  1. miked1947 says:

    You must not have been reading the latest news!
    This is the largest fire in US history:
    8 p.m. Tuesday update:
    Acres: 28,000
    Containment: 95 percent
    Assigned Personnel: 296
    Injuries: 9
    Homes Damaged or Destroyed: 0
    Firefighters continue to locate hot spots within the burn perimeter. The main focus of operations continues to be to eliminate heat inside the perimeter that may cause an escape, finish fire line construction, and rehabilitate the areas impacted by fire suppression
    And it was caused by AGW!

  2. snafu says:

    3 million acres, is that all ……. /sarc

    I’ll take your 3 and raise you 2.

    “The Black Thursday bushfires were a devastating series of fires that swept the state of Victoria, Australia. They are considered the largest Australian bushfires in a populous region in recorded history, with approximately 5 million hectares, or a quarter of Victoria.”

    The temperature became torrid, and on the morning of the 6th of February 1851, the air which blew down from the north resembled the breath of a furnace. A fierce wind arose, gathering strength and velocity from hour to hour, until about noon it blew with the violence of a tornado. By some inexplicable means it wrapped the whole country in a sheet of flame — fierce, awful, and irresistible.

    Forgot to mention, this happened in February 1851.

  3. Andy Oz says:

    This is totally consistent with heat producing cold freezing weather.
    I understand a press release will be coming out soon from SKS and Real Climate detailing a study showing the use of fireplaces to heat houses produces more snow outside. They are recommending every house in America fire up to cool the planet down. Even firebugs are encouraged to light up. More snow and ice on land means the sea level will drop! AGW problem solved.

  4. gator69 says:

    The first international air meet in the US is held in LA, January 10, 1910.

    In 1905 gasoline cars became more popular than steam or electric because they required less labor and could go farther without additional fuel. By 1910 gasoline cars were larger and more powerful and started offering more comfort, and became a common site in front of homes.

    It’s Henry Ford and the Wright brothers’ fault.

  5. Geezer117 says:

    Where did the graph come from? I would like to see a citation. On its face, it contradicts many other graphs posted here, in that it shows the 1920s and 1930s much cooler than the 1990s. It looks like a graph East Anglia would have posted.

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