Bill Maher Vying To Replace Harold Camping

OMG – atmospheric CO2 has increased by 0.0001 mole fraction over the last century, and humans have never lived through such extreme conditions.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Bill Maher Vying To Replace Harold Camping

  1. Scott says:

    Most humans live in a house. Indoor CO2 levels have always been much much higher than 400 parts per million. Even a thousand years ago.

  2. pinroot says:

    At least Camping had the guts to put a specific date on his predictions. Green prophecies of doom always have some vague 10 – 90 year time frame attached, which keeps moving farther away the closer we get to it.

  3. gator69 says:

    Proof positive that Maher has the dumbest audience on TV.

    Too many nits to pick, but a favorite of mine is the Tuskegee reference. This is as big a lie as the Inquisition. If you read the actual accounts of the BLACK staff, you will find it was a humane study trying to stem the world’s worst outbreak of Syphillis, as that county had the highest rate. Not one person was infected, only those who already had the disease were included.

    Sickening to watch Americans laugh at their own demise.

  4. kirkmyers says:

    Maher should stick to commenting on topics he knows something about. The CO2 level of 400 ppm is not a “long-feared milestone.” And CO2 is not a “dirty” pollutant. Both comments betray his ignorance of basic science. Unfortunately, there are lot of science-challenged Bill Mahers in the world. They are easy targets for scare stories.

    CO2 concentrations frequently reach 8,000 ppm in submarines and more than 10,000 in crowded auditoriums. Rather than being a curse, the rise in CO2 from historically low levels experienced during pre-industrial times has been a blessing for global agricultural production. More CO2 in the atmosphere is good for mankind.

    Contrary to alarmist claims of “forcing” and phony “water vapor feedbacks,” CO2’s impact on the earth’s temperature is so negligible it can’t be measured. It’s mere background compared to natural variations caused by the sun, clouds, ocean oscillations and volcanism.

    • kirkmyers says:

      By the way, I noticed Maher failed to mention anything about Obama’s murderous drone program, which has taken the lives of thousands of innocent civilians in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Yemen. The drone program is not only immoral; it is also constitutes extra-judicial killing without due process or a congressional authorization of war.

    • kirkmyers says:

      What about the lack of CO2-induced warming over the past 17-plus years? As the Greenie Watch blog observes:

      “Wasn’t a CO2 rise supposed to cause a temperature rise? Wasn’t that the basic thesis of Warmism? So if the present CO2 level is so remarkable, isn’t it equally remarkable that temperature has not risen too? Surely what we are looking at is a remarkable disproof of Warmism?”

      Responding to “Pete,” a vocal AGW alarmist, the blog further shreds the CO2-warming thesis:

      “And here’s another bit of logic that seems to have slipped past Pete: His headine is “The Last Time Atmospheric CO2 was at 400 parts per million Humans Didn’t Exist”. Taking that at face value, doesn’t it show that humans are NOT the cause of the present “high” level of CO2? Last time we reached that level there were NO people! If both no people and 7.5 billion people (the present world population) produce the same level of CO2, where has the correlation between CO2 levels and human meddling gone? The data throw out the door another correlation central to Warmism. No correlation means no causal relationship. Even David Hume conceded that. “High” CO2 levels were natural last time so why not this time? Humans are not needed in the equation at all.”

  5. Justa Joe says:

    This sounds about as well informed as when Bill Maher declared that Brazil phased out oil back in the 1970’s in an attempt to chide America for its oil use. The trained seals in Bill’s audience keep lapping it up though.

  6. patientman says:

    Mr. Kirkmyers, is that a room with or without ventilation, or plants to recycle the CO2? You do understand the details of a ecosystem and its ability to sustain certain levels of CO2 needed for balance. And, yes it is more than just CO2, it is also Methane. From a report by the E.P.A: in 2010, Methane (CH4) (about 85% of natural gas) is 105 times worse than CO2 as a greenhouse gas (GHG). I would comment more, but not many (____) accept facts or new information as legitimate parts of a discussion. They merely disdain it and say, “Oh, that’s just liberal bias.” It’s alright to be anti-green as long as you have great money backing you. Does the E.P.A. hold any weight in a discussion on this subject?

    • Methane makes up 0.000002 of the atmosphere, and has almost no impact on the earth’s radiative transfer budget. Methane’s absorption bands are also much narrower than H2O and they all overlap. EPA says all kind of things that are simply not true.

    • Justa Joe says:

      “It’s alright to be anti-green as long as you have great money backing you.” – (____)


    • tckev says:

      Anti-AGW is NOT anti-green, Anti-EPA is not anti-green.
      Your argument is?

  7. R. de Haan says:

    Never saw this Maher person before. He isn’t funny, he isn’t informed, just another talking suite in support of then New Religion of Non Existing Problems.

  8. No Substitute for Victory says:

    Global Warming makes as much sense as the great flood, or perhaps an ancient religious orthodoxy that taught that the Great Earth Mother laid an egg that hatched into the Earth we see today. You must forget all logic and put your brain in cold storage if you accept Global Warming at face value.

    • Justa Joe says:

      I agree. If you take a step back and look at the AGW yarn without prejudice it’s very far fetched.

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