Bloomberg Predicts One Foot Of Sea Level Rise In The Next Seven Years

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Gotham will be a Southern-fried hot mess by 2020, climate pros warn – NY Daily News

One hundred degree days are much less common than they used to be in New York. During the 1930s they occurred about once every 400 days, and now they occur about once every 900 days.

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U.S. Historical Climatology Network

New York’s hottest day (106F) occurred in 1936, and 18 of the 20 hottest days occurred with CO2 below 350 ppm CO2

The rate of sea level rise in Manhattan has been steady for 150 years, and is due primarily to subsidence. One foot of apparent sea level rise should occur in about the year 2085.

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Data and Station Information for NEW YORK ( THE BATTERY)

h/t to JunkScience

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Bloomberg Predicts One Foot Of Sea Level Rise In The Next Seven Years

  1. Jorge says:

    I saw a story on CNN this morning, which was being repeated every 30 minutes or so, under the banner “extreme weather alert” and they kept hyping up the aftermath of the tropical storm and the wildfires in the west. Never mind that wildfires have been at their lowest level in decades and we’re well below average. Never mind that there hasn’t even been a major hurricane in several years. Never mind, over the past two years, tornadoes have been at a record low. They still had scary graphs up.

    Now this Bloomberg thing. Not to mention all the other recent hyping.

    Does anyone think that these people are emailing each other encouraging other true believers to somehow hype up all these MILD weather events to offset the obvious cooling trend this year and in recent years? Otherwise, why now? Why are all these climate nutters trying so hard to scare people into line now?

  2. WillR says:

    Sorta makes you wonder about Bloomberg financial advice… hmmm???

  3. gator69 says:

    Climate experts! 😆

    If these guys are experts on anything, it is deception. Only the doomers, scammers and grantologists are still listening to this crap.

  4. Russell Biltmore says:

    What a warmist-communitarian, nanny state mega- jerk !!!!! The politicos cozying up to ALL global warming/climate change babble is a matter of being conned by shysters He’s so ignorant he fails to realize global warming has stopped; we’ve entered a cooling phase. His ego is so huge, I’m surprised he hasn’t claimed credit—wait a minute he’s giving another speech………………..

  5. Blade says:

    One hundred degree days are much less common than they used to be in New York. During the 1930s they occurred about once every 400 days, and now they occur about once every 900 days.

    This is very true. AGW cult members might call this anecdotal but I assure you there were many more 100° days in the past. Back in 1995 to 1998 there were more, but also in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. Then suddenly they went away. It was like the last gasp of heat escaping before a cooler period arrives.

  6. Tom Harley says:

    A 1foot rise in 7 years? We get 10 metres of rise in 6 hours, twice a day.

  7. jknee says:

    Manhattanites deny their island is sinking, though. Even if sea level rise-rate is consistent.

    • jeffk says:

      Nevermind, I see now.
      Earth’s crust in mid-Atlantic region is subsiding as the polar region rebounds during post-glacial periods.
      The global temp “plateau” may portend Earth entering new glacial period, reversing the crust’s rebound trend. But it’ll take awhile to calm down alarmists, when sea levels plateau too.

  8. Larry Allen says:

    Headline is bad. Article predicts one foot of sea level rise in seventy years.

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