United Nations Says That Cooling Temperatures Indicate Unprecedented Warming

The planet has warmed faster since the turn of the century than ever recorded, almost doubling the pace of sea-level increase and causing a 20-fold jump in heat-related deaths, the United Nations said.

UN Charts ‘Unprecedented’ Global Warming Since 2000 – Bloomberg

In climate speak, unprecedented warming  means cooling.

ScreenHunter_539 Jul. 03 09.18

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to United Nations Says That Cooling Temperatures Indicate Unprecedented Warming

  1. Reblogged this on The Firewall.

  2. gator69 says:

    These are the most dishonest people on Earth, and this is proof that the UN needs to be abolished. Do we have enough room for them at Gitmo?

  3. pinroot says:

    That’s just what happens when all the heat decides to hide at the bottom of the oceans. LMFAO!

  4. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    Honesty is to the UN IPCC as inexpensive is the Affordable Healthcare Act.

    Different governments, same ability to lie.

  5. squid2112 says:

    “The planet has warmed faster since the turn of the century than ever recorded” – LIE
    “almost doubling the pace of sea-level increase” – abject LIE
    “causing a 20-fold jump in heat-related deaths” – colossal LIE

    • Jimbo says:

      Funny thing is that on WUWT just today there are two paper / reports. The first deals with lack of acceleration in the rate of sea level rise and the second on extreme weather deaths which finds no or decreasing trends.

  6. phodges says:

    “causing a 20-fold jump in heat-related deaths”

    You have to remember that they blame extra cold winters on global warming, therefore all the cold related deaths in the recent extreme winters are actually heat related.

  7. John B., M.D. says:

    I actually sent the author an email rebutting his “facts.” Let’s see if he responds.

  8. omanuel says:

    The UN is the prime player in the tyrannical one-world government.

  9. terrence says:

    Come on you guys, AGW – WARMING – causes everything – heat, cold; rain, drought; wind. calm; snow, no snow; daylight, nighttime; full moon, new moon; life, death;…

  10. adrianvance says:

    The insanity of these people demonstrates how driven they are by money. It is all about taxing carbon because it is so important to the economy. May God smite the UN.

    See The Two Minute Conservative via Google or: http://adrianvance.blogspot.com and when you speak ladies will swoon and liberal gentlemen will weep.

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