Second Largest Arctic Ice Gain On Record

Arctic ice area has increased by almost 20,000 Manhattans from this date last year, making it the second largest increase on record. The only year which gained more ice was 1996.

In a few days, it is likely that 2013 will move into the #1 spot.

ScreenHunter_64 Aug. 07 22.23

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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32 Responses to Second Largest Arctic Ice Gain On Record

  1. @njsnowfan says:

    Just a fluke or is there a connection with Sea ice coverage at bottom of sunspot cycle and peak of weak cycle..
    You be the Judge

  2. intrepid_wanders says:

    Gotta arctic cyclone moving…Not sure how much it will compact.

  3. slimething says:

    Rotten, decaying…..obsolete. Now it is wiggly-wobbly-ness and high pressure blasts.

    “Global warming is real” “Math class is tough”
    And now we are about to experience, it seems, at the scale of a few days an event that may push the current year into infamy among three decades of Arctic Ice melting; a storm is brewing in the Arctic, which together with a wind-generating high pressure system, may blast the ice off much of the Arctic Sea. This is normal … the storms being part of the ice melt. What happens is this: Every time there is a storm or set of storms, the rate of melt goes up and in between stormy periods it slows. You can see this in the minor wiggly-wobbly-ness happening within a given year of Arctic Sea ice melt like in this graph:We are about to hit a new wobbly. A big one, I think.

    • Jorge says:

      That was such a bizzare article. They are praying for storms to break up the ice. If there is any doubt on how desperate these nutters have become it’s that article.

  4. crosspatch says:

    Just a note on another pet subject (drought) Noticed an article in an old issue of Scientific American , October 24, 1846 (Vol 2 No. 5)

    A late St. Louis paper states that the river was so low that the ferry-boats could not cross, while the Pittsburgh papers report 10 feet water in the Ohio River at that place. The Connecticut has been lower than ever before known.

  5. Chewer says:

    An AGW Alarmist’s nightmare is materializing quite nicely and it’ll play out in a spectacular fashion over the next 50-60 days -:)
    The question is, how do we punish the criminals?

  6. Andy Oz says:

    Shock News: OMG!! Arctic Ice reaches its “Tipping Point”.

  7. Chilli says:

    I’m a big fan Steve, but isn’t all this focus on the highly erratic and unpredictable summer sea-ice melt just giving a hostage to fortune? A big storm could blow up like it did last year and we could be looking at another satellite ‘record low’. So what? Shouldn’t the focus be on the fact it’s happened before and makes bugger all difference to anything?

    • We are seeing a huge increase in ice which will lead to a huge increase in multi-year year.

    • stewart pid says:

      I look at it this way … Steven plays the poker hands the alarmists deal him or looked at another way the dealer picks the game and the alarmists picked sea ice and the Arctic is the wild card. Lots of bluffing going on at this stage of the game.

  8. Climatism says:

    Reblogged this on CACA and commented:
    “In 1977 the worst winter in a century struck the United States” ~ Leonard Nimoy materialises ‘The Coming Ice Age’ in the classic “In Search of…” television series that was broadcast weekly from 1977 to 1982.
    “What scientists are telling us now is that the threat of an Ice Age is not as remote as they once thought. During the lifetime of our grand children, Arctic cold and perpetual snow could turn most of the inhabitable portions of our planet into a Polar Desert”!
    Going on the latest 2013 Arctic Sea Ice data and record cold temps, it seems Dr Spock is more adept at climate science and forecasting than 97% of today’s climate scientists and their billion dollar computer models!

    Ahh what short memories we have ~ yearning for catastrophe, driven by alarmism!

    • shazaam says:

      The storms were bad, yet not horrible. Buffalo, NY was the poster child of that alarmist special precisely because the cold winds across lake Erie cranked the snow belt snow machine into high gear. The weather patter that year just happened to have every storm front moving due east which is the worst case snow dump on Buffalo.

      Buffalo’s record snow was the luck of the draw. Combination of warm lake and cold air and wind direction dictate where the snow belt dumps snow. (I live on the edge of the snow belt) And after the lake freezes over, Buffalo enjoys a normal Midwestern winter climate.

  9. Climatism says:

    Hi Steve, Good pic of arctic ice live

  10. Caleb says:

    This summer’s arctic gale, has moved nearly on top of the pole, and is swirling air that is largely below freezing around and around the pole. That is no way to thaw and break up ice. See update at

    Just about the only mild place is a slender area just north of Canada, with temperatures near 70 on the coast. Lucky break for our friends the rowers.

  11. Rikk says:

    Lets hope they’re not following the plan to discharge particles into the atmosphere and reflect heat back into space bringing about cooling (Anthropogenic Global Cooling), as it sounds like we could use some more heat, not less. Given there has been no change in the ‘warming’ dialogue in the mainstream media, who would be surprised if the con-trail controversy turned out to be man playing God?

  12. Mr. Gore says:

    I have warm water flowing from my facuet, which clearly proves global warming and climate change. Now if you’ll just pay the carbon tax, I’ll give you non-polluters certificates and the polar bears will be safe once again.

  13. Andrew says:

    Isn’t this graph and the claim a little misleading? The graph represents the “change from previous year” not an absolute area. If you reference the graphic at the National Snow and Ice Data Center ( you can see that total sea ice area for 2012 was very low–outside of 2 standard deviations in fact. 2013 is also on the very low side of what could be called average, but not as low as 2012. So what is the actual statement you are making about climate change?

    • This graph is exactly what it says it is. What is misleading are organizations who claim that we are headed for an ice-free Arctic.

      • Andrew says:

        Thanks for the reply Steven. It is true that the “graph is exactly what it says it is,” it is just the conclusions that are being drawn that I am a little uncomfortable with. It appears that you are saying that because this month’s Arctic Ice gain over the same time last year is the second largest on record, that this is some indication that there is not a continuing trend of less arctic ice, year over year. Is this what you are saying? If this is the case, then I don’t think you can draw this conclusion.

        As I mentioned in my first comment, August 2012 saw an anomalously low Arctic Ice coverage. Also, if you take the dataset that was cited as your source, and import it into excel, graph it, and add a trend line, you see a fairly consistent downward trend. I will note that the last seven years have been quite inconsistent, but still trending downward. So my question is, on what basis do you claim that we are not heading for an ice-free Arctic in the near future?

        • Arctic ice extent is the highest for the date since 2006. Over the winter this will be come multi-year ice and will be harder to melt next summer.

  14. Andrew says:

    Thanks for the prompt reply Steven. I think comparing today to a single date in the past and drawing a conclusion about the future is problematic. There is an observed downard trend in the data. Can you comment on this please?

    From the same website as your data ->

    • I love it. So the big ice cube is rapidly disappearing and is almost gone, only it happens to be the highest in seven years at the end of this melt season. That makes perfect sense.

  15. Will says:

    Someone please rationalize this!

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