Death Spiral Update : Arctic Sea Ice Volume Up 63%

ScreenHunter_4454 Nov. 09 08.48


There has been a huge expansion of thicker, older ice since 2012. Color scale below shows the age of the ice in years, with ice less than three years old masked out.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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21 Responses to Death Spiral Update : Arctic Sea Ice Volume Up 63%

  1. Mike says:

    The albedo concept should work overtime in the summer of 2015.

  2. nielszoo says:

    I’ve figured it out. The “death spiral” refers to open water between the chunks of sea ice… they just forgot that part in the press release.

    • nielszoo says:

      … I though I’d throw the Climateers a lifeline. Turns out they don’t need one, they can just walk back to the boat on the ice.

    • If it increases 63% every two years … do the math.

      • stewart pid says:

        Bob would have to take off his shoes and even then his math is severely limited 😉

      • plutarchspam says:

        If wishes were fishes, we’d all cast nets.

        But if we’re doing science on climate, we want 30 years for trends. The 30 year trend is still down.

      • Phil Jones says:

        Yep… Using Progressive Math we can straight line this increase and project the Earth to be a giant ice ball by 2220…

        • phlogiston says:

          But there is an a priori reason to expect Arctic sea ice recovery. The AMO is overturning about now. And we all know how closely Arctic sea water temperatures correlate with the AMO. There’s more to climate science than arcane statistics. There is also recognition of process.

    • nielszoo says:

      Starting in 1979, how predictable. Why don’t you start that 5 or 6 years earlier and tell us what you get?

    • Andy DC says:

      The 1980’s followed several decades of global cooling. How does current ice compare to that of the 1940’s? Probably not all that different.

    • Jl says:

      But if you’re right what would it prove? Certainly not that man is the cause of it. Nothing.

  3. Bernal says:

    Yeah but it’s rotten 5 year old ice, right?

  4. Don says:

    C’mon, who ya gonna believe? The AGW crowd, or your lying eyes.

  5. tom0mason says:

    In the land of the CAGW crowd the one and only eye is only on CO2, but in the land of the blind this one-eyed deviant has become king. Soon it will be time for this false king to be deposed, dethroned as the sheeple have the distractions removed from their sight.

  6. Arctic Ice was one of the last few things I was prepared to accept had shown any change. The decline has definitely slowed to a trickle.

  7. Actually more volume than 2007 (but not 2008). I plot the seasons separately “Up” is freezing.

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