Australia Is Not Warming

Contrary to the BS from BOM, Australia is not warming, and their hottest recent year was 1998

I picked ten random locations around Australia, and averaged the RSS TLT monthly anomalies for those locations. There has been no net warming for 35 years, and the last two years were not their hottest.

ScreenHunter_5812 Jan. 05 18.33

Click on the map below to see the latitude/longitude of the ten locations.

ScreenHunter_5810 Jan. 05 18.26

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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22 Responses to Australia Is Not Warming

  1. nielszoo says:

    Silly Steven. You forgot to do the double-secret peer reviewed global best practice homogenization and station data selection. We can’t tell you what that is, but horribly maintained and highly mobile stations like Rutherglen must have them ’cause it’s sciency. You should also know that it’s complicated and BoM’s published a meandering yet accurately vague paper on what they might be doing to the data and have put out a transparent press release that says so. I mean Australia’s so hot you can probably boil water* at Ayers Rock for gosh sakes.
    *in some areas a stove might be required

  2. Gail Combs says:

    From handjive at Jo Nova’s
    January 4, 2015 at 10:40 pm

    If the data doesn’t fit your failed hypothesis, just change the data says the BOM

    “Concurry has been stripped of it’s claim to the nation’s highest temperature days before it was to celebrate it’s 115th anniversary.
    The 53.1c on January 1889 had brought notoriety to the outback town.

    The weather bureau’s acting Queensland regional director, Jeff Crane said the high was struck off the books because of the way it was recorded.

    A data molester strikes again!

  3. annieoakley says:

    Neither is Wyoming (warming). Only wish the wind would quit. On the western slope a joke about Wyoming was frequently repeated,”If summer falls on a weekend, let’s have picnic.” The western slope is warmer than the eastern (some if not most of the winter anyway).

    • Gail Combs says:

      The eastern slope (Montana) is expecting 4 feet of snow. Chicago gets five inches (too bad it isn’t five feet like Buffalo NY got) and high’s of 0°F. Mid NC is looking at lows of 14°F that is 17°F below normal. The record was 9 °F in 2014….. Looks like a replay of last year.

  4. AlaskaHound says:

    The good news is we haven’t seen a mosquito all day 😉

    Clear. Patchy fog after midnight. Lows 20 below to 35 below except 5 below to 25 below through the passes. Light winds.

    Sunny. Patchy morning fog. Highs 10 below to 25 below except zero to 10 below through the passes. Light winds.

    Tuesday Night
    Clear. Lows 25 below to 40 below except 5 below to 25 below through the passes. Light winds.

    Mostly sunny. Highs 5 below to 20 below except 5 below to 5 above through the passes. Light winds.

  5. Richard M says:

    How do you get RSS TLT data for individual locations?

  6. Andy DC says:

    There is no money to be made from a flat temperature trend, therefore a flat temperature trend can never pass the scrutiny of peer review amongst climate scientists that feed from the Government trough.

  7. AndyG55 says:

    Nice work, but can you add a random point in South Australia somewhere.
    I know that Sa is basically unimportant, but still 😉

    Maybe boost it to 20 random points to get better coverage.

  8. sabretoothed says:

    I love how BOM started from 1910 and left out the Federation drought 😛

  9. Winnipeg Boy says:

    Wheat is Australia’s main agricultural crop. Although it only grows for 3 months out of the year (and therefore is not a good proxy for weather) i would like to point out that Aus has, in the past, had frequent devastating, crop-wrecking droughts. In the business we measure ‘trendline yields’, the yields have an inherant annual increase due to advances in genetics, farming techniques etc.
    While we only have yield data going back to 1974, we are currently in the longest stretch (7 years) that Aus has not missed trend by 20% or more since 1974. Wheat does not like heat, If this is the result of AWG the Australian farmer, and his banker, should be thankful. (I have a chart but this newbee does not know how to post it).
    PS. If i wanted to post a garbage headline that ignored the trendline yield, i would post “3 biggest Australian wheat crops occur in last 7 years thanks to AWG”. That would be true on one hand but complete misleading BS on the other. That argument style sounds familiar?

  10. Climatism says:

    Reblogged this on Climatism.

  11. ntesdorf says:

    These days Sydney (pop. 5 million) is generally 1 to 2 degrees C hotter than Newcastle (pop, 5,000,000) ,100 miles to the north, because of UHI effects. The BOM loves this as it allows them to claim a rising temperature caused by CO2.

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