Frequency Of Early Season Hot Weather Plummeting In The US


Climate experts claim that hot days in the US are becoming more common due to increased CO2, but the data shows the exact opposite. Through June 15, hot days peaked in 1911 – and were much more common prior to 1960.

ScreenHunter_9639 Jun. 22 08.28

Reductions in summer heat are even more dramatic. Hot summer days were much more common prior to 1960.

ScreenHunter_9640 Jun. 22 08.40

When scientists make claims opposite the data, you know that they are criminals – not real scientists.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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28 Responses to Frequency Of Early Season Hot Weather Plummeting In The US

  1. cfgj says:

    Climate is changing?

    • Doug says:

      Yes, it is cooling slightly, with a tendency toward fewer extreme events. CO2 is a wonderful thing.

    • rah says:

      Yea, getting cooler, which is the exact opposite of what the Government and their scientists claim is happening.

      Climate changes. Nobody in their right mind denies that. It has been changing since this globe of rock, minerals, metal, and water has had an atmosphere. But, well, I think George Carlin makes the case pretty effectively:

    • Gail Combs says:

      Only someone unfamiliar with geology would thing the climate does not change.

      65 million years of cooling

      5 million years of cooling

      10 thousand years of cooling

    • AndyG55 says:

      Yes.. totally naturally

      As it always has.

    • AndyG55 says:

      But “Climate Change™” is not happening.

      • Gail Combs says:

        here’s the official definition of “Climate Change™”

        “Climate change” means a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods.

        That’s from the official UN Framework Convention on Climate Change ( definition and is the one the IPCC uses. The term specifically excludes all natural climate change, and even excludes any caused by humans due to, for example, land clearance or city building, considering only atmospheric changes.

        So the public has been hoodwinked thoroughly. Of course that’s the idea. They can make all sorts of horrendous claims about “climate change” (assuming their definition), which people assume to apply not to “Climate Change™”, but to a change of climate (meaning any change, whatever the cause or mechanism). So if they say, “climate change” is 1000 times more than it was 100 years ago, that may be true, but it might still be that the change of climate is negligible.

        Nice hoax and that type of manipulation at the outset tells you it was a long con from the very beginning and Clinton (who signed) and Al Gore who fired Dr Happer dam well knew it.

  2. There has been a noticeable change in climate this year – the climate to accept that the dead parrot it “resting” (as in the Monty Python sketch).

    And no doubt the Dead Parrot talks in Paris will be almost as hilarious

  3. Elaine Supkis says:

    All cooling cycles begin with a hiatus in rising temperatures. Then, when the sun grows quiet and sun spots are fewer, it gets real cold real fast but mainly in the northern regions of the Northern Hemisphere, not the tropics which didn’t freeze at all during any of the Ice Ages.

    • Gail Combs says:

      A meridional patterned jet stream also seems to be a sign of colder climates.

      • cfgj says:

        I would expect that the oceans (water column) would stop warming up in a real warming hiatus. So far this has not happened.

        • Gail Combs says:

          Thermal inertia. There is a heck of a lot of water.

          Also glaciation occurs when you have hot moist air hit frigid air from the poles. It is NOT cold that heralds the comming of an ice age but heavy snowfall. That is why the ice sheet patterns indicate a meridional patterned jet stream.

          What you need to start forming glaciers is what we say this winter. The boundary between warm moist air and frigid polar air releasing huge amounts of snow. Oh, and they found indications of glacial formation in 300 spots in Scotland last summer. It snowed again in the scottish mountians on June 2nd this year. Snowfall also hit the Tianshan Mountain in Hami (China).

          January 9, 2015 — Greek islands in the Mediterranean buried under 6½ ft (2 m) of snow

          March 11, 2015 — World Record Snowfall in Capracotta, Italy “Entire buildings and cars buried. 100.8 inches of snow in just 18 hours” Previous record belonged to Silver Lake, Colorado, USA with 75.8 inches
          Capracotta, Italy is 41°50′N altitude of 1,421 metres (4,662 ft)

          November snowfall in Buffalo, New York The historic storm that dumped more than 7 feet (2.13 m) of snow on the area in only three days. Buffalo normally gets around 8 feet of snow during an entire winter season. There were 30 major roof collapses and 100 minor collapses.
          January 16, 2015 — Record snowfall in western Norway – 2 to 3 meters (6 to 10 feet)
          December22, 2014 — Norway – Forced to remove excessive snow from ski slopes
          “During the last two days we’ve got more snow than we had in the last two years together,” says Vegar Sårheim. “I had never believed we would experience this.”

          December 6, 2014 – Heavy snowfall continues in Japan 20,000 homes were without electricity in Tokushima Prefecture [Japan] on the southwestern island of Shikoku, 120 vehicles were trapped by heavy snowfall for 18 km (10.8 miles), RIA Novosti reported. The snow is 30 cm (12 inches) deep. At least 8 people confirmed dead, buildings an roofs collapsing. Tokushima (lat. 34.0° N) altitude of 26 feet, is mild and semi-tropical sort of like South Carolina (lat. 34.0° N) but not as hot. Japan was in really bad shape this winter with snow storm after snow storm..

          China – Continuous snowstorms starting Nov. 30 across China’s northeast have caused the collapse of thousands of square meters of greenhouses in Heilongjiang Province. A blizzard lasting more than 60 hours hit on Thursday the 4th. The snow has exceeded one meter (39 inches) in Cheilongkziangk province in northeast China, as the area was hit by the most severe snowstorm in years. Temperatures reached as low as minus 20 Celsius (-4 F).

          Russia – Very heavy snowfall and blizzards in South Ural region on November 10 and 11 followed by Minus 32 degrees in Tomsk and heavy snowfall Nov 23
          Iran – Snow and ice storm traps 2,000 people around November 5 followed by snow in 16 provinces by the end of the month.

          DECEMBER 2014
          Algeria – Heavy snowfall brings complete paralysis of most educational institutions
          Libya – Snow covered the streets of Tripoli and Duahyaha
          Kazakhstan – 530 people rescued from snowdrifts since the beginning of winter
          Bulgaria – Heavy snow knocks out power to 10 municipalities in Bulgaria
          Turkey – Heavy snowfall traps people on the road in Mersin
          Serbia – Ice storm and deep snow – People experiencing mental breakdown after 48 hours without electricity, water and heating
          100,000 Czech travelers stranded due to freezing arctic weather
          Romania – More than 1,000 people stuck in snow
          Eastern Turkey – Heavy snowfall reduces visibility to 16 feet (5 m)
          Turkey – Heavy snowfall and extreme cold including the port city İzmir
          Sicily – Snow in Palermo
          Greece – Roads closed on the Greek island of Euboea

        • DD More says:

          Sure a lot of blue cool and cold above all that warming your talking about.

        • David A says:

          True DD, but of course that is surface only. The measured ocean warming is very very very very minor, and well within the error bars of the argo floats. For all PRACTICAL applications ( WHERE IS ANYONE BUILDING DIKES NOT RELATED TO LAND SUBSIDENCE) there is no evidence of noticeable SL rise.. Most areas with some increase in SL are due to subsidence happening more quickly then the 1 to 3 mm year (if that) rise in SL.
          As we have no accurate data base (at least I have not seen any) of global surface insolation flux, we have ZERO idea of the cause of any ocean T flux we MAY detect. cfgi can not produce such a data base nor can he make a convincing case of any SL rise acceleration which is not well disputed by peer reviewed literature.

          Between the oceans ability, due to their tremendous heat capacity to mitigate ANY energy increase into them ( which once dispersed within, it CANNOTT emerge in condensed form) and the likelihood that the vast majority of MOST of ANY increase in down welling LWIR is absorbed not as heat, but as an acceleration of the hydrologic cycle, there is overwhelming evidence that CO2 is clearly net beneficial.

  4. Ernest Bush says:

    If you live in the Desert Southwest those charts are a good reminder about real climate climate, but they would be a tough sell. It has been way above average hot for June so far. We have already had many days above 110 degrees. We hit 117 degrees on one day which may have been a record. I did not check. I am assuming this is due to the El Nino and the warm water off the coast of California, although on SST maps the Sea of Cortez is showing at least 6 degrees C above the anomaly. I find myself wondering if there is underwater geothermal activity going on.

    • Gerald Machnee says:

      I do not know which data base you are using. However, I like what I see.
      Are you able to create a temperature profile for Churchill, Manitoba and Eureka, Nunavut?

      • DavidS says:

        All this is extracted from Environment Canada’s online database. These stations were chosen because they have almost complete data going back a long time. Churchill only goes back to 1943. I’ve done some playing around with Eureka and all the Arctic stations in terms of average temperatures but none of them go back even that far and some have large swaths of missing data. In not going back very far, they don’t do much to inform this particular discussion. Also, I am sure that none of them have ever recorded anything like 32C so another benchmark would need to be chosen. However, something like a temperature profile is possible.

        • Gerald Machnee says:

          Thanks David. Churchill has the occasional 32C in the summer. However I was only interested in the profile as the other day in the paper a “scientist” noted that the melt was 3 weeks earlier. In my experience it cycles every few decades. I looked at Eureka manually and I do not believe the temperatures there are increasing “rapidly” as has been asserted.

  5. Why did I read in all the papers that 2015 set to smash global temperature records.

    I mean I can’t sort out the BS from the facts. Here a sample from Bloomberg April 2015:

    “March was the hottest month on record, and the past three months were the warmest start to a year on record, according to new data released by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. It’s a continuation of trends that made 2014 the most blistering year for the surface of the planet, in to records going back to 1880”

  6. Ron Clutz says:

    Investigating Tmax and Tmin trends by seasons reveals the real reason for the plateau or pause in global warming

    • AndyG55 says:

      Very interesting analysis, Ron.

      Well done.

      I like the conclusion. 🙂

      Those who haven’t read the link and understood it, I highly recommend.

      • Gail Combs says:

        I read the link and left a comment. Unfortunately he used the BEST data which is hopelessly contaminated with adjustments and ocean influence and that contaminates his results.

        SEE: Frank Lanser’s The Original Temperatures Project

        …The BEST project collects data from different sources often already related to NOAA and NCDC. BEST often present multiple versions/copies of the same longer datasets already used repeatedly in climate science. BEST have not required the large bulk of existing temperature data from the national Meteorological institutes….

        …the BEST team adds around 0.7 K of warming to the Pecs data. BEST use a so called “Regional Expectation” for all countries i have analysed, and change original data so they approach these expectations….

        …..BEST also claim that they prefer unadjusted data over adjusted. So why did they not require the large bulk of unadjusted longer datasets from national meteorological institutes and year books like I did?….

        Also see Frank.s comment on TOBS based on his having the actual original data notebooks in his hands. “…Sometimes with help from antique book stores abroad. I have the original meteorological year books within one meter from me now. I think i will sit on them!
        No I will put them in a safe place….”

        ….You write: “Did you adjust the raw data for TOBS? ”

        This is a FINE thing about working with ORIGINAL YEARBOOKS, everyone should try it..
        In the year books you can see exactly when data was recorded. You can see IF the TOBS actually changes. And do you know what? TOBS HARDLY EVER CHANGE !
        Therefore, if someone suggests that “oh this adjustment is probably due to TOBS”, then you should say: “No, its probably NOT ”
        Reality is – and at some point i will make a writing on TOBS issues found in original documentation – that after the early 20´th century TOBS changes are rare…..

        This is very important because in one of the papers I looked at yesterday it says.

        “…Adjustments of temperature data in the USHCN dataset have been made to account for systematic biases introduced by changes in the time of observation (Karl et al. 1986), urban heat islands (Karl et al. 1988), changes of station location and station exposure (Karl and Williams 1987), and changes of instruments (Quayle et al. 1991). The magnitudes of these adjustments range from a few tenths of a degree [changes of instruments in Quayle et al. (1991) and urbanization in Karl et al. (1988)] to as high as 2C [time of observations in Karl and Williams (1987)].

        So that gives you an idea of just how large the ‘adjustments’ are. “….as high as 2C [time of observations in Karl and Williams (1987)]” plus what ever the heck else they want to toss in like the 0.5C instrument change.

        If Ron Clutz and Frank Lanser could get together and combine ideas. Use Ron’s winter vs summer changes to look at Ocean Air Affected stations (“OAA”, marked yellow) vs Ocean Air Shelter stations (“OAS”, marked blue), you might have a discover worthy of a paper.

      • DavidS says:

        He mentions the effect of urban stations creating higher minimums overnight. I think this dimension is important and needs further investigation. What I have seen in the Canadian data is completely in line with this, i.e. the urban centres show warming on average that can be attributed entirely to their daily minimums being higher. The more urbanized the station in question, the greater the effect. However, there is no sign of higher daily maximums.

  7. wizzum says:

    Can anyone tell me if there is a measurable difference between NH winter sea level and NH summer sea level?

  8. Barrabuss says:

    All the climate change conversation and very few seem to take into consideration solar maximums and solar minimums. The sun is our furnace. Our furnace is on idle right now hence the cooling that true temperature charts support. As anything when politics gets involve physics gets thrown out the window

  9. Centinel2012 says:

    Reblogged this on Centinel2012 and commented:
    Just reading errors in the older system, they were not certified to read thermometers.

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