For Gavin And Tom, The Data Tampering Never Stops

The US is not warming, so Tom Karl and Gavin Schmidt have to keep cooling the past and warming the present to make it appear to be warming. The graphs below show changes to their own data from 1999 to 2001, 2001 to 2012, and from 2012 to 2014. Note how they repeat the same hockey stick of data tampering in order to create the appearance of a non-existent warming.

Also note how they overwrite their data in place, in order to hide their constant data tampering.

ScreenHunter_5005 Dec. 07 12.57

ScreenHunter_4987 Dec. 07 07.24ScreenHunter_4986 Dec. 07 07.13

current version:

2012 version:…

2001 version:…/

1999 version:

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to For Gavin And Tom, The Data Tampering Never Stops

  1. Eliza says:

    Just asking but is this possible, is this normal snow extent cover for NH at this time of year?
    The albedo effect must be kicking in with this extensive cover (assuming its way over normal)

  2. Eliza says:

    Its only showing the snow cover here (although it did appear on the single image but disappeared when posted here..interesting)

  3. Eliza says:

    Also it is obvious the whole AGW ice melting scam has completely failed. Why doesn’t CT remove its ridiculous ice melting due to AGW agendas (ie movie of dramaticice melt 2007) they just look really stupid and unprofessional now.
    Tale of the tape my foot!

  4. cheshirered says:

    And from Gavin and Tom there comes….not a peep.

  5. Tom Bakert says:

    Are these adjustments cumulative? I believe they are but just asking to be certain.

  6. Paul Murphy says:

    sent to me, mate,… you gotta stop liking the propaganda peddled by your AGW friends. I just graphed up the data that StevenGoddard just slanderised, and the only person guilty of tampering is him. But then again, it probably keeps his bank balance healthy.

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