US Is Experiencing The Least Extreme Weather On Record

The US is experiencing unprecedented quiet weather. The exact opposite of the lies being propagated by the White House.

ScreenHunter_1300 Mar. 20 14.41

Storm Prediction Center WCM Page

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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18 Responses to US Is Experiencing The Least Extreme Weather On Record

  1. gator69 says:

    # Drewski 2015-03-19 19:23
    Australia had two cyclones hit the continent on the very same day on two separate occasions this past month. Now THAT is unprecedented.
    And they weren’t even the big ones that hit the region.

    Never mind that one hit on the 19th and the other on the 20th, to Drewski this isn’t weather but climate, and it isn’t Australia it’s the globe. :

    The Obamabots are out in farce! 😆

    • Andy DC says:

      During 1933. separate major hurricanes hit Texas and Florida a day apart. Now we are going on ten years without a major hurricane strike anywhere in the US. Yes, alarmists wet their pants whenever there is bad weather news, but somehow are missing in action when it comes to good weather news.

  2. _Jim says:

    A rising CO2 level moderates weather? – A thought none dare entertain …

    Or, Who’d a thunk it?

  3. tabnumlock says:

    Classic global warming theory predicts this, tho they haven’t mentioned it lately. Let’s hope we get at least +1C of warming to counter any cooling trend and maintain this uptick since the end of the LIA (the colonial days were extremely stormy, lots of hurricanes). Combined with the benefits of increase CO2 for plants and crops, it’s a good thing, as that evil felon Martha Stewart used to say.

    • Disillusioned says:

      Yes. Let’s keep on warming. Dropping temps will bring back the missing extreme weather that the voodoo worshipers are looking and hoping for.

      • AndyG55 says:

        “Let’s keep on warming. ” ?????

        Sorry, but just altering the data does NOT mean that it has been warming.

        Nearly all of the “warming” since 1900 can be accounted for by “adjustments” to the data.

        Its not real.

        But I’m pretty sure Gavin et al. will manage to keep this fake warming going for at least a little while longer.

        • Disillusioned says:

          “Sorry, but just altering the data does NOT mean that it has been warming.”

          LOL. Well, Gavin’s warming is not what I had in mind. I meant let’s continue coming out of the Little Ice Age. Of course. 😉 Thanks for the laugh.

        • tabnumlock says:

          Actually, I’m predicting +0C of detectable warming for a quadrupling of CO2. But one can hope. Warmer is usually better. Colder is almost always very, very bad. A 100K yr glacial period awaits.

          When debating warmists, we should concede them at least at least +1C of beneficial warming and wish them good luck with their predictions.

        • Disillusioned says:

          I’m not counting on CO2 for warming. Its major radiative forcing capability shot its wad well below 100 ppm. There are a few drops of warming that could be squeezed out increased CO2, but it would be so small it’d be lost in the noise.

          And, yes – both Vostok and GISP2 portend an icy future ahead. If there is any effective warming in our future, I think it would need to come from El Sol. But this cycle is getting long in the tooth.

        • Gail Combs says:

          Whether the Holocene is of normal length and ends shortly or goes long like MIS11, one thing is for sure, It is going to not only be COLD but a very bumpy ride. The earth’s climate at this point in time is Bistable with the preferred ‘Strange Attractor’ the cold state and we are near the flipping point between one state and the other. When MIS11 was in a similar state (the low between two peaks) the climate was not very stable.

        • Disillusioned says:

          Gail: “(the low between two peaks)”

          Comparing the double peaks of this Holocene Interglacial with MIS 11, albeit this interglacial is much cooler and weaker, when I look at the Vostok graph on the Climate4U website ( ), it looks like the second (actually the third) peak has already occurred. The first peak ended 7,800 years ago, and the last one ended 3,300 years ago (the Minoan period on the Greenland GISP2 graph). So, where we are today (the lower right corner of the red box in the Vostok graph) would indicate we have already fallen from a double (triple) peak.

          If this Holocene were the Empire State Building (albeit the Holocene has a double/triple-peaked cupola), we are presently sitting on the observation deck now, below the cupola. There are one or two more thin ledges below us (short pauses) before the plunge is a straight-down vertical drop. This ‘observation deck’ is also noticeable in MIS 5, the last major interglacial, which in the Vostok graphic sits just below -1.0C, where we sit today. Again, we see the Holocene is much cooler.

          That may not be what you meant, but I don’t see much hope for more warming. But that’d be a bbbbboon for our descendants! 😀

        • Gail Combs says:

          Disillusioned says:
          “Gail: “(the low between two peaks)”

          Comparing the double peaks of this Holocene Interglacial with MIS 11….”


          When I say ‘the low between two peaks’ I am talking of the 65,000 years that would be equivalent to the Wisconsin Ice Age between the two interglacial peaks of the Eemain and the Holocene.

          Whether or not it is a full glacial you still get a nasty cold 65,000 years between the ‘interglaial warm peaks’

          I am talking about the period equivalent to that below the green line. Eemain is on the right and Holocene on the left.

          To give you a feel for just how close to glaciation we are you can look at the calculations from NOAA:

          Look at the Solar insolation values for 60 degrees North in June (2nd column ) The changes near the north polar area, about 65 degrees North, are considered important due to the great amount of land. Land masses respond to temperature change more quickly than oceans.

          Holocene peak insolation: 523 Wm-2
          ……………………………………………………decrease = 47 Wm-2
          NOW (modern Warm Period) 476 Wm-2
          …………………………………………………… decrease = 12 Wm-2
          Depth of the last ice age – around 464 Wm−2

          The ClimAstrologists are saying that solar insolation change is going to be trumped by CO2 forcing when the entire CO2 forcing is 32 to 44 W m–2 [cf., Reid, 1997]. and all but 5 to 6 W m–2 of that forcing occurs in the first 200 ppm CO2 (modtran) A CO2 concentration where plants barely survive.

          Will the earth descend into glaciation or be a ‘‘double precession cycle’’ interglacial? That is still being argued. A paper from the fall of 2012 a href=””>Can we predict the duration of an interglacial? gives the calculated solar insolation values @ 65N on June 22 for several glacial inceptions:

          Current value – insolation = 479W m−2 (from that paper)

          MIS 7e – insolation = 463 W m−2,
          MIS 11c – insolation = 466 W m−2,
          MIS 13a – insolation = 500 W m−2,
          MIS 15a – insolation = 480 W m−2,
          MIS 17 – insolation = 477 W m−2

          You can see why there is an argument. Solar insolation isn’t a cut and dried measure for glacial inception. Steve BTW thinks the Holocene will go long. Autumn and winter are occur at the closest approach of the earth to the sun for the northern hemisphere, the earth is moving at its maximum velocity and autumn and winter are shorter than spring and summer. This is the reason for the debate.
          Lisiecki & Raymo in their paper A Pliocene-Pleistocene stack of 57 globally distributed benthic D18O records say:

          We present a 5.3-Myr stack (the ‘‘LR04’’ stack) of benthic d18O records from 57 globally distributed sites aligned by an automated graphic correlation algorithm. This is the first benthic d18O stack composed of more than three records to extend beyond 850 ka,…

          Recent research has focused on MIS 11 as a possible analog for the present interglacial [e.g., Loutre and Berger, 2003; EPICA Community Members, 2004] because both occur during times of low eccentricity. The LR04 age model establishes that MIS 11 spans two precession cycles, with d18O values below 3.6% for 20 kyr, from 398 – 418 ka. In comparison, stages 9 and 5 remained below 3.6% for 13 and 12 kyr, respectively, and the Holocene interglacial has lasted 11 kyr so far. In the LR04 age model, the average LSR of 29 sites is the same from 398– 418 ka as from 250–650 ka; consequently, stage 11 is unlikely to be artificially stretched. However, the 21 June insolation minimum at 65°N during MIS 11 is only 489 W/m2, much less pronounced than the present minimum of 474 W/m2. In addition, current insolation values are not predicted to return to the high values of late MIS 11 for another 65 kyr. We propose that this effectively precludes a ‘‘double precession cycle’’ interglacial [e.g., Raymo, 1997] in the Holocene without human influence….

          Hope that clears up any confusion.

        • Disillusioned says:

          Gail: “I am talking of the 65,000 years that would be equivalent to the Wisconsin Ice Age between the two interglacial peaks of the Eemain and the Holocene.” …

          …”To give you a feel for just how close to glaciation we are you can look at the calculations from NOAA:…

          Holocene peak insolation: 523 Wm-2
          ……………………………………………………decrease = 47 Wm-2
          NOW (modern Warm Period) 476 Wm-2
          …………………………………………………… decrease = 12 Wm-2
          Depth of the last ice age – around 464 Wm−2″

          WOW. Thanks. Visually, the Vostok graph shows we’re in the blue now and for most of this interglacial, on the precipice (on the observation deck, per my above-mentioned metaphor) before the next great drop. Of course, base lines and colors can be misleading (the AGW purveyors use that trick all the time). But the numbers for solar insolation are even more ominous, and seem to corroborate we’re very near the edge.

          As for the “ClimAstrologists” belief? – based on what we already know about CO2 forcing, I don’t understand how the AGW theory is still standing (except by promotion/propaganda and billions of dollars).Scientifically, it is full of more holes than the Titanic.

          … “Hope that clears up any confusion.”

          Yes it did! Thank you very much. I appreciate your knowledge and your willingness to share it with others. 🙂

        • Gail Combs says:

          No problem.

          As I said the jury is still out on whether the Earth goes into a full blown glaciation or just nasty cold snowy weather similar to the Little Ice Age. (Also Cold = Drought don’t forget)

          I think the Elite have been fully aware of this. As I said the timing is right. Hays, Shackelton and others confirmed the Milankovitch cycles. The temperatures dropped causing a grain crisis ~ late 1960s – early 1970’s. We get the Malthusian Club of Rome, Founded in 1968 at David Rockefeller’s estate in Bellagio, Italy

          “The common enemy of humanity is man.

          In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome.

          The real enemy then, is humanity itself.”
          – Club of Rome 1993 The First Global Revolution

          Dr Tim Ball. Note how several at WUWT fight the concept.

          Listing of members:

  4. Tel says:

    That’s why the US economy is so bad… not enough stimulus.

    Should have a tsunami or two, which would do wonders, just ask Japan and Paul Krugman.

  5. gofer says:

    In Mid-Tn, last year, the last day below freezing was March 28th. If the forecast holds up, this year will be March 27th. See, its getting warmer earlier.

    • Tom says:

      “Beware the Ides of March” is the collective wisdom of dozens of generations. The model projections of doom again do not match observed reality.

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