Everywhere – We See Signs Of Incompetent Scientists

One year ago, the Boston Globe published this brilliant piece of work.

In Maine, scientists see signs of climate change

By David Abel GLOBE STAFF  SEPTEMBER 21, 2014

ACADIA NATIONAL PARK, Maine — With milder winters sparking a surge in deer ticks, park rangers now duct-tape their ankles while combing the wilds of Acadia, where native flowers are disappearing at alarming rates and invasive species are thriving.

Along the rocky coast of Georgetown, Maine, lobstermen are finding more black sea bass in their traps, spiny intruders that until recently were almost never spotted so far north. In a pond in Brunswick, an increasingly prevalent disease has ravaged amphibians.

In a state with the highest percentage of forested land and a long, famously scenic coastline, where timber and fisheries remain at the heart of the economy, climate change has become an immediate concern.

Heat waves, more powerful storms, and rising seas are increasingly transforming Maine — effects that most climate scientists trace to greenhouse gases warming the planet.

In Maine, climate change is taking a toll – Metro – The Boston Globe

Maine is having their coldest year on record.

ScreenHunter_2654 Aug. 03 13.14

“Most climate scientists” are completely incompetent buffoons who don’t understand the first thing about the climate. They collect government grants in exchange for parroting mindless propaganda.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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34 Responses to Everywhere – We See Signs Of Incompetent Scientists

  1. bit chilly says:

    it would be interesting to see a comparison between hot and cold global anomalies this year .

  2. Frank K. says:

    This just in: UAH satellite data for July:


    Note looking like super el nino thus far…

  3. There’s no such thing as an incompetent scientist, because you are either competent or you’re not a scientist.

    • shazaam says:

      I beg to differ.

      In my (perhaps limited) experience, scientists working in private industry are either extremely competent or unemployed.

      Those who cannot work in private industry find jobs in government (and government funded universities). Where political acumen trumps competence.

      Thus, that apparent mystery of the massive serial failures of government funded “climate science” does has a rational explanation. Government grants funding “climate research” attract frauds and politicians masquerading as “climate scientists”

  4. Michael 2 says:

    When I visit Pennsylvania I typically tuck pant legs into calf-length socks. It may look a bit strange but it keeps off the ticks which are so numerous that stepping into roadside brush to make a photograph is almost guaranteed to have one or more ticks on your pant legs.

  5. Robertv says:


    incompetent ?

  6. AndyG55 says:

    Snow at sea level in Tasmania. First time since 1986

    And some Tasmanians are just plain crazy !!!


  7. Andy DC says:

    Hot, cold or anything else in between, it’s all due to Mann-made climate change, caused by capitalist driven greed and evil white men.

  8. mat says:

    New site is down…

  9. bleakhouses says:

    Well, here in NYC, well for work that is, home is in Westchester, we don’t know whether to shit or go blind. See, because after 4 hours of hard mountain biking I still have to do a full body cavity search for deer ticks but for 3 weekends since sea bass season opened I can’t manage to feed the family; pulling up shorts only.

  10. omanuel says:

    Yes, Steven aka Tony, “Most climate scientists” are completely incompetent buffoons who don’t understand the first thing about the climate. They collect government grants in exchange for parroting mindless propaganda.

    Unfortunately, climatologists learned to collect government grants in exchange for parroting mindless propaganda from government-sponsored scientists who learned that fine art during the Nuclear and the Space Ages.

  11. Linda S. says:

    Is it just a feaky coincidence that your name is related to NASA, as in “Goddard Institute for Space Studies” ? hahaha. You are a fraud. You call your site Real Science? More real BULLSHIT.

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