More Mind-Blowing Sea Level Fraud From The University Of Colorado And NASA

Sea level rapidly rising in the western pacific due to global warming: NASA
Aug 30, 2015

Sea level is not rising at all in the Eastern Pacific

According to recent revelations made by NASA scientists, the consequences of the global rise in sea levels might be even more frightening than the worst predictions made by top climate models i.e. models that don’t justify fast breaking up of glaciers and ice sheets. What’s more significant is that sea level rise has already begun. As a result, for NASA scientists, the open question right now is at what pace the seas will be rising from now on.

At this moment, warming of seas and expansions of waters caused by it make up around a third of global sea level rise. According to Steve Nerem of the University of Colorado at Boulder, who happens to be the lead scientist of the Sea Level Change Team of NASA, when heat travels beneath the ocean, it starts expanding exactly like mercury of a thermometer.

Nerem informed that the other two-third of global sea level rise is taking place as a result of melting of mountain glaciers and ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland.

Nerem added that the increase in the ocean’s mass is eventually resulting in global sea level rise of around 0.07 inches or 1.9 millimeters every year.

That is only seven inches per century – not the forty inches NASA has been consistently lying about to the press, and not in the least bit frightening. CU/NASA add 0.3 mm/year for a completely fraudulent Global Isostatic Adjustment.

However, the open question still remains the same i.e. at what speed the sea level is increasing.

University of California glaciologist Eric Rignot, who is also a scientist at the Pasadena-based Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA, said that ice sheets are making the process of sea level rise faster, much more than what was anticipated earlier.

Rignot is not a glacicologist. He is a an electrical engineer like me, only without my geology education and background.

According to Rignot, there’s such a remarkable difference between predictions and reality because we have never seen a massive ice sheet collapsing, and, therefore, there’s not a single good model showcasing effects of such collapses.

Reality is that ice sheets are not “collapsing” and their measured sea level rise is very small. Rignot is lying to the press, as always.

Sea level rapidly rising in the western pacific due to global warming: NASA – The Hoops News

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to More Mind-Blowing Sea Level Fraud From The University Of Colorado And NASA

  1. Climatism says:

    Steve, any chance of a ‘State of the climate’ update leading in to Paris? Be nice to have some devastating data to create Hell-er on earth!
    Cheers. 😉

  2. Climatism says:

    Reblogged this on Climatism.

  3. emsnews says:

    Obama is in Alaska right now promising to bring back another Ice Age.

  4. Chuck L says:

    Total BS. Greenland melt season likely over and ice sheets float on the water so even if they melt, have no effect on sea level.

  5. AndyG55 says:

    From NoTricksZone, NOAA says sea level rise is about 1.8mm/year

    I suspect they are still slightly high, but this a BIG correction in the right direction.

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