COP 21 Healed The Climate

We have undeniable proof that COP 21 and Barack Obama have healed the US climate.

US forest fire burn acreage has plummeted since the 1930’s

2015-12-13-02-48-29Indicator 3.16: Area and percent of forest affected by abiotic agents

US tornado deaths have plummeted to record lows since the 1930’s.


Twisters Give Nation a Pass in 2015: Lowest Death Toll on Record? | Dr. Jeff Masters’ WunderBlog

The frequency and extent of hot weather has plummeted in the US since the 1930’s


The huge improvement in the US climate since the 1930’s can only be attributed to the healing powers of the great prophet Obama, and his revival meeting in Paris.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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30 Responses to COP 21 Healed The Climate

    • AndyG55 says:

      And as for that South Australia one…

      “October 1914, also in an El Nino year, remains by “some margin” the hottest on record for south-eastern Australia.

      See that date…….. 1914 !!!!!

      • AndyG55 says:


        “Sydney’s 37 degrees on Monday was the city’s second-earliest day of 35 degrees or warmer, behind only October 4, 1942.”

        I’ll repeat that date for you… 1942.

    • elcrustace says:

      Tony is giving you mainly US datas because the datas are easy to access to. He’s regularly publishing pieces of history from all around the world proving climate always changed. Greenland ice cores proved the climate was hotter in a recent past, without the human being started to leak CO2 into the atmosphere. Tony proved that some scientifics datas are falsified to show a fake warming and an exagerrated sea level rise. We now have strong proofs that the ozone scare was a farce, despite suppressing ozone depleting substances the ozone hole is still there, bigger than never. The human brain has the ability to believe. Modern societies stopped to believe in God, but they never stopped to believe. Dogmas are not necessarily religious.

      • Martin Smith says:

        >He’s regularly publishing pieces of history from all around the world proving climate
        >always changed.

        That is the problem with Steven’s view, of course. He claims to say AGW is wrong by posting evidence that is not G. It doesn’t matter how many times he posts pieces of history. They aren’t about global climate change. Nor is the fact that climate has always changed relevant. The relevant point is that it doesn’t change as fast as it is changing now in the absence of a clear cause or causes, and the only cause operating now that explains all the data is AGW. Nothing Steven has posted has discredited that point at all.

        • gator69 says:

          The relevant point is that it doesn’t change as fast as it is changing now…

          Liar, you have been shown this data before.

          Why don’t we look into some of Mart’s other recent BS…

          gator69 says:
          November 22, 2015 at 3:41 pm

          …And since you failed so misearbly the last time, let’s review some basic climate science again.

          1- List all climate forcings, order them from most to least effectual, and then quantify them all.

          2- Please provide even one peer reviewed paper that refutes natural variability as the cause of recent, or any, global climate changes.

          There is nothing unusual or unprecedented about our climate, or how we got here. For 4,500,000,000 years climates have always changed, naturally. This means there has been a set precedent, and the burden of proof falls on natural climate change deniers like yourself.

          Martin Smith says:
          November 22, 2015 at 3:48 pm

          Thank you for repeating your questions yet again, gator. Here is the answer to both of them yet again:

          gator69 says:
          November 22, 2015 at 4:03 pm

          You really should read links before posting them, because you posted the wrong link, again.

          If you believe the answer is in that link, you will need to attempt to show everyone where it is, because it isn’t there.

          Are you really as dumb as you pretend?

          Hello Marty!

          Where did you go? 😆

          I asked you once again to show me where in you silly IPCC link we can find answers to these…

          1- List all climate forcings, order them from most to least effectual, and then quantify them all.

          2- Please provide even one peer reviewed paper that refutes natural variability as the cause of recent, or any, global climate changes.

          There is nothing unusual or unprecedented about our climate, or how we got here. For 4,500,000,000 years climates have always changed, naturally. This means there has been a set precedent, and the burden of proof falls on natural climate change deniers like yourself.

          You wouldn’t be fibbin’, would you Marty? You can admit an honest mistake, can’t you?

          Marty is completely ignorant of the science, and simply parrots the lies of the alarmists.

        • Latitude says:

          Martin….it’s not changing any faster

        • David A says:

          Many peer review reports back to the beginning of the 20th century.shoe no acceleration in global floods, droughts hurricanes ,etc. Show me one that does that, Even the IPCC admits you are wrong.

        • OBOY says:

          He’s using the weather reports to debunk the weather claims made by the folks like you who point to storms to claim as proof of CAGW but when we say the number of storms are down, you say it’s cherry picking, when it’s your side that chose the weather as the battleground. Now for strike three – why is it that whenever the conversation gets down to details, your side disappears? In a real, unbiased debate, on rules alone, your side has lost, IMO.

        • wizzum says:

          Nothing you have ever posted sums you up better Marty.
          To paraphrase your posting: It doesn’t matter what happened before, whatever happens going forward is caused by man.

          Nothing you have posted can point to man having caused anything other than a rise in Co2 levels.

        • catweazle666 says:

          “The relevant point is that it doesn’t change as fast as it is changing now in the absence of a clear cause or causes, and the only cause operating now that explains all the data is AGW. “

          Utter unscientific drivel.

          All paleo data clearly shows that CO2 lags increase in temperature, it doesn’t drive it.

          You really haven’t a clue what you’re wittering about, you sad little stalker.


    • AndyG55 says:

      And from your Middle East link…

      “are CLOSE to breaking meteorological records across region”

      So….. no records.,, oh. what a let down.

      Weather and stuff happens.

    • catweazle666 says:

      Martin Smith says: “Steven, anthropogenic global warming is a global thing.”


      Stop making stuff up.

  1. Rodzki of Oz says:


  2. LOL in Oregon says:

    Oh, but it is not our POTUS’s fault!
    The “We’re guilty lemmings” agreement was changed to be very clear:
    ……. not “shall” reduce emissions, but “should”
    ……..”Developed country Parties should continue taking the lead
    …………. by undertaking economy-wide absolute emission reduction targets.”
    which means it’s all your fault!

  3. omanuel says:

    The UN’s COP-21 Conference began healing of government science from seventy years (19445-2915) of misuse as a tool of government propaganda.

    Here is a concise summary of the REAL, BEHIND-THE-SCENES COP-21 CONFERENCE.”

  4. oeman50 says:

    I like the fact that the actions(!) from COP21 are retroactive, as Tony pointed out in the last sentence,

  5. Pathway says:

    The power of the O and the new socialist utopia.

  6. gofer says:

    The Argument Against Climate Change

    There’s no proof it’s happening.  Sorry, 9 out of 10 scientists surveyed. If all you can proffer is doctored data and apocalyptic fears while ignoring the cooling trend of the last 18 years, then go home, pinkos; you’re drunk. The polar bears haven’t drowned.  Your computer models are wrong.

    Even if you can prove climate change, you can’t prove its anthropogenic.  That is, you can’t prove beyond a great deal of reasonable doubt that the industrial age brought about these variations in weather any more or less than volcanoes and cow farts.  The earth’s climate is far more varied than you believe.

    Even if you can prove anthropogenic climate change, you can’t prove it’s negative.  That’s right, I said it.  Humanity thrives and can adapt far better in warmer climates. In case you hadn’t noticed, the hurricane season is shorter and milder, and the polar ice caps are stronger than ever.

    Even if you can prove it’s negative, nothing you’ve said indicates we can do anything about it.  According to your own climate research, reducing our economies back to medieval levels of carbon exchange would have less than half a degree change in temperature over the next century.  In other words, we’re better off innovating our way out of the bad weather.

    But the most damning points against the current climate hysteria is the following: it’s not about weather, but POWER. Since this little circus started in the 70’s, when it was first called Global Cooling, the solution has always been a demand for centralizing power and economies,  reduced personal and corporate autonomy, and the redistribution of wealth.  The carbon credit exchange is merely a shell game to make elite socialists rich while enslaving businesses and hampering poor countries.

  7. 4TimesAYear says:

    Reblogged this on 4timesayear's Blog.

  8. omanuel says:

    The toothless treaty that emerged from the UN’s COP-21 Climate Conference in Paris was

    1. A defeat for the united political forces allied with “consensus science.”

    2. A victory for the basic principles of the scientific method.

    Now is the time to rebuild science and to replace falsehoods inserted into the foundations of nuclear and solar physics after WWII:

    1. The interior of the Sun is mostly iron (Fe), not hydrogen (H). Stars make and discard hydrogen to interstellar space.

    2. Neutrons repel other neutrons, as indicated by Aston’s nuclear packing fraction, not attract them as allowed with Weizsacker’s flawed concept of nuclear binding energy.

  9. Mervyn says:

    The American people should be utterly ashamed of Barack Obama. Not only is he the most incompetent American president, he is clearly delusional, a threat to science, and he is totally confused in his mixed up world of make believe. America … time to shaft him!

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