The Hockey Stick’s Dirty Little Secret

In the 1990 IPCC report, it was clear that Earth was cooling.



This was bad for business, so Michael “An Embarrassment To The Profession” Mann tried to make reality disappear in the 2001 IPCC report.


But if we have a closer look at the hockey stick, we can see Briffa (green) agreed with the 1990 IPCC report.  Temperatures dropped until 1600, and then started rising again. Nothing to do with CO2.



But it is worse than it seems. The IPCC then erased the post 1940 cooling portion of Briffa’s trees, hiding the decline.


The Deleted Portion of the Briffa Reconstruction « Climate Audit

The portion of Briffa’s trees that the IPCC erased, exactly matched the 1975 National Academy of Sciences Report.



Bottom line is the IPCC climate criminals threw out all of the good proxy, satellite, radiosonde and surface data – and replaced them with massively tampered surface data to create the hockey stick.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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42 Responses to The Hockey Stick’s Dirty Little Secret

  1. AndyG55 says:

    Craig Loehl is an ecologist who knows a lot about trees. He argues that tree rings are influenced by too many other factors to be in any way reliable as a temperature proxy.

    As soon as you take bear-poo and upside down tree rings out of the picture, the REAL story comes to the fore.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Actually Andy it was upside down sediments. Worse it was more than one set of proxy data that was flipped.

      The original dust-up was about Mikey using the Tiljander sediments upside down. Andy Baker commented at CA that Mann had used one of Baker’s series upside down to. discussion HERE. And two other Finnish paleolimnology series were also used upside down. Atte Korhola, a Finnish paleolimnologist, familiar with the Tiljander and other sediments, commented on the upside down use of Finnish proxy data. Translation from the Finnish HERE. Kaufman et al 2009 also used them upside down, following Mikey’s example in 2008.

      Steve McIntyre says:

      For critics visiting this site, there isn’t a shred of doubt that Mann et al 2008 used these proxies upside down from the Tiljander interpretation. See the original post here for details. My interpretation was triple checked by two Finnish statistics professionals (Jean S and UC) who are intimately familiar with Mannian methods and who confirmed using Mann’s Matlab code that the Tiljander series are used upside down in both the CPS and EIV versions of Mann et al 2008.

      No wonder Mikey and the Univs have resisted any and all attempts to get Mikey’s Emails!

    • rachase says:

      And then Mann had the gall to sue the conservative author Mark Steyn in Canadian Court for defamation when Mark exposed and ridiculed his cheating in print and on the air.

    • rachase says:

      As a forester, I can confirm that tree rings are influenced by both the growing season’s precipitation and the length of the growing season, which may or may not be a response to the average temperature during that season.

      • Gail Combs says:

        You could easily have a long cool rainy season with a lot of growth and a short dry season with hard frosts late in the spring and early in the fall. For example in North Carolina, the clear sunny days are when it is very hot or very cold. The rainy days are mild 40F to mid 80s.

        • Trees respond more to amount of sunlight than anything else.

        • Gail Combs says:

          Morgan, you are correct about the sunlight but rain matters too. Less big trees more water for the little tree.

          What it comes down to is trees need; sunlight, decent rainfall, reasonable temperature and fertilization (including CO2) Screw up any of them and the rings get smaller. Rings tell the growing climate not the temperature.

      • Latitude says:

        all that is correct…but you guys a missing the biggest bear in the room with the trees

        Trees stop growing below a certain temperature…..trees stop growing above a certain temperature

        Temperature proxies below where trees stop growing are a guess…same with guessing above where they stop growing

        • Gail Combs says:

          I never could understand why anyone would think trees could be used as a ‘thermometer’

          The advance and retreat of the tree line? Yeah that has possibilities just like pollen ID. but it tells you CLIMATE, as in all the growing parameters not just temperature.

        • Robert B says:

          “trees stop growing above a certain temperature”.

          Even tropical and subtropical plants like tomatoes and vines grow best below 30°C and over 32 is bad for ripening of the fruit. I think that the maximum temperature rarely gets so high in Yamal, where there is also lots of moisture and nutrients in the ground. Here the issue would be the number of sunny days with sufficient warmth. Is the growth from one sunny day of 10° above the average the same as two days at 5 above?

        • Latitude says:

          ok…pick some arbitrary made up numbers to illustrate
          Sat a tree stops growing below 40 and above 85

          Did the low that year go down to 38 and level off for the rest of winter? or keep falling to minus 50? how long did it stay at -50?
          The the high go to 87 and stay there?…..or keep climbing to 115? was 115 a one off? or was it 115 for weeks? months?

          The only thing a tree can tell you is if it was growing or not.

          They assume the temp follows a curve/sine when it out of the range for trees growing.

        • Ted says:

          And then there’s the Bristlecone pines. Mountains in the western US are extraordinarily dry, and the White mountains are no exception. They’re double rain shielded, by both the California coastal range, and the Sierra Nevada, and they’re too far north and west to see much effect from the southern monsoon. They get about 5 inches of rain in a year, and about 5 feet of snow. Growth is so extremely limited by water availability that temperature may have no impact at all.

  2. BruceC says:

    Bad, bad Tony. You’ll get in trouble for using that hand-drawn chart again and be sent to the naughty corner.

  3. Martin Smith says:

    I’m with YOU, Ted. This blog really is a black hole of free time.

    • gator69 says:

      Oh look, the little liar misrepresents Ted’s comments again. What a surprise.

    • Martin’s ability to ignore facts is quite impressive.

    • darrylb says:

      I am proud that the “Hide the Decline” was made by ‘Minnesotans For Global Warming’
      Three Cheers for the gopher state, that, unfortunately, has gotten to be a left wing Twin Cities area controlling the rest of the state
      Kinda like Colorado huh? 🙁

      • gator69 says:

        And Illinois, Wisconsin, and other Midwestern states that are dominated by one or two large cities. I predicted decades ago that our country would break down to a rural vs urban ideology, collectivism vs liberty.

        • Gail Combs says:

          Let Them Eat Grass — Doreen Haynes.

        • gator69 says:

          Hell no! Grass is for productive members like goats, sheep, and cows. Let the progressives eat what they produce.

        • Ted says:

          Believe it or not, the same is even true in California. If you take out the cities over 100,00 or so, we’re still a solidly conservative state. And keep in mind, many of the small towns are utterly dominated by Mexican farm workers. The racial divide is MUCH smaller than the rural/urban divide.

    • darrylb says:

      Martin Smith, Thank you very much for illustrating the mental capabilities and therefore the writing of people of science described by Mark Twain -something fascinating about science, one gets a wholesale return of conjecture on such a trifling investment of fact’
      Of course in your case there is no investment of fact, only ad hominen attacks.

    • AndyG55 says:

      Yet you waste your time here.. and I mean WASTE.

      You are a meaningless waste of space and time.

      You have only ever been thrashed to an inch of your life, and you seem to like it.

      You really are a masochistic little shit, aren’t you.

      The black hole you imagine is YOU, your mind and your soul. both EMPTY.

    • Martin Smith, you sound like the sergeant of the loon platoon. Colonel of the batty battalion. Lieutenant of the chump comp. General of the assinine army. Major of the dummy division. Captain of the retard regiment. Corporal of the maroon platoon.

    • Ted says:

      ‘Oh look, the little liar misrepresents Ted’s comments again. What a surprise.”

      Well, not a complete lie. That’s an accurate summation of my experience trying to have an intelligent conversation with Martin.

  4. omanuel says:

    Since Copernicus reported the giant fountain of energy that controls the Earth and other planets from the gravitational center of the solar system in 1543, religious and political leaders have tried to hide that simple empirical reality from the public.

    Yesterday brought confirmation of strong magnetic fields in CORES of intermediate-mass stars:

  5. John Edmondson says:

    I thought it was Michael “Piltdown” Mann?

  6. Canadian Climate Guy says:

    Reblogged this on Canadian Climate Guy and commented:
    Creating the fiction, all smoke and mirrors. Mann, what a mess!

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