The NOAA Temperature Record Is A Complete Fraud

NOAA has no idea what historical temperatures are. In 1900, almost all of their global min/max temperature data was from the US.

Screenshot 2016-01-21 at 05.07.13 AM


Their only good data, the US temperature data, is then massively altered to cool the past.


But their fraud is even worse than it seems. Since the 1970s, they have been losing station data at a phenomenal rate.

Screenshot 2016-01-21 at 05.06.48 AM


NOAA have continued to lose data, and now have fewer stations than they did 100 years ago.

As was clear in Figure 1-1 above, the GHCN sample size was falling rapidly by the 1990s. Surprisingly, the decline in GHCN sampling has continued since then. Figure 1-3 shows the total numbers of GHCN weather station records by year. Notice that the drop not only continued after 1989 but became precipitous in 2005. The second and third panels show, respectively, the northern and southern hemispheres, confirming that the station loss has been global. The sample size has fallen by about 75% from its peak in the early 1970s, and is now smaller than at any time since 1919. As of the present the GHCN samples fewer temperature records than it did at the end of WWI.


This is why their data keeps changing. They are losing the rural stations which show less warming, causing the urban stations to be weighted more heavily.  Thus the 100% fraudulent blade of the hockey stick.



2016: Fig.A.gif          2001:

And then these slimeballs have the audacity to attack satellite temperatures, which cover nearly the entire earth.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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40 Responses to The NOAA Temperature Record Is A Complete Fraud

  1. gator69 says:

    The rural staions around me that I used to access showed no warming at all over the past 100 years, some even showed slight cooling.

  2. They say the satellites aren’t accurate because they have to be recalibrated as they are always falling out of orbit. Really? How far from an object do you have to hold an IR thermometer?

    • Jason Calley says:

      According to the “climate scientists” you can’t trust the satellite temperature record because the orbits can change by a kilometer per year before anyone notices.

      According to the “climate scientists” satellite orbits are so well tracked that satellites can measure sea level variations of one tenth of a millimeter per year.

    • Frank K. says:

      Not to mention scientists are using satellites to determine ice mass “loss” and ice extent, among many, many other things, and they don’t appear to be complaining about “accuracy”.

      For some reason these climate “scientists” say we can’t trust thermal measurements of the Earth’s surface…but we CAN determine sea level rise to WITHIN fractions of a mm!!

    • Hank Hancock says:

      It is true the satellites are being constantly re-calibrated. However, that’s a good thing. They are frequently inter-calibrated against each other and against highly accurate radiosonde balloons launched to take the temperature at the measurement altitude and at the same moment the satellite passes over. This is done to validate the satellite’s measurements.

      The alarmists saying falling orbits and constant so-called need for recalibration are false arguments and, frankly, disingenuous. Our Global Positioning System (GPS) requires frequent correction to the two cesium and two rubidium atomic clocks aboard each platform to account for orbital changes, which would adversely affect relativity calculations and thus accuracy in ground receivers, yet nobody accuses our GPS constellation of satellites to be inaccurate.

      • RAH says:

        “disingenuous” is the exact word to describe the whole character and modus operandi of those in that video trying to trash satellite temperature data in order to claim there has been no “pause”.

        • Hank Hancock says:

          Someone recently opined and I wish I could remember who and where but it was a viewpoint I highly agree with… The methods of science create a theory that explains one or more observations (facts). If the theory doesn’t align then the theory is wrong and needs further refinement until it does or discarded to seek a better theory. Alarmists eliminate facts that don’t agree with the theory. That’s not science. It’s ideology. Alarmists have pretty much eliminated all facts to the point that the AGW theory is built entirely upon anecdotes (accounts regarded as unreliable, untestable, or hearsay).

        • Gail Combs says:

          “It doesn’t matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn’t matter how smart you are. If it disagrees with experiment, it’s wrong.” – Richard Feynman

          A long scathing comment on ClimAstrology models by Dr Robert Brown @ Duke Univ.

          [Question]…..Christopher [Monckton] clearly explains all the possible reasons for a reduction in global warming that should be consider when determining the CO2 effects. Good questions to ask you are do you understand that volcanic eruptions cause cooling? And do you think that this cooling should be considered when trying to determine the effects of CO2?

          They are excellent questions indeed. Now add the other ten confounding elements of the climate. Do you think that ENSO causes warming and cooling respectively? Do you think that the effect of ENSO should be considered when trying to determine the effects of CO_2 AND volcanoes? The evidence for this is precisely the same as, only more dramatic and of more permanent action, than the evidence for volcanic effects. Do you think that the phase of the PDO has a causal effect on the climate that can augment or reduce any multivariate warming or cooling trend produced by the other factors, including CO_2? The evidence that it does is actually very strong, stronger than the combined evidence that CO_2 plays an important role, to the extent that one can extract a CO_2 “signal” from what is now three other natural factors that appear to have a significant impact on the time evolution of the climate. What about the NAO? What about the state of the global thermohaline circulation and complex feedbacks at the parts of the world where haline density overcomes thermal stratification and the surface current sinks to return at great depth or the parts of the world where the current at depth is displaced by high density haline sinking fluid to rise, carrying an image of system state laid down some centuries earlier to the surface? What about solar state, both the direct variability of the solar output power (which is small) and the solar magnetic interaction with the Earth that very definitely has observable effects on radiation screening and things like ozone production in the upper atmosphere (which is largely unknown in its effects on the climate, but is at least partially correlated with major climate eras of the past in the complex multivariate system)? What about the eccentricity of the Earth’s orbit, which produces a 90 watts/m^2 variation of the total solar insolation at the top of the atmosphere over the course of a year, a variation that dwarfs all of the rest of the variability in forcing put together)?

          What about clouds?

          Most of this is highly, highly, nonlinear. All of it is coupled. The effect (if any) of variable solar state could be dependent on the state of the entire Earth climate system and its past state as the time evolution of the climate requires either the completely detailed solution of every major heat source, sink and capacity from the mantel of the Earth on up to the TOA or one has to solve a non-Markovian problem where the climate today depends in part on what the climate was ten years ago or a hundred years ago when (for example) the water that is welling to the surface near Antarctica now was actually last on the surface where its state was directly coupled to the climate of that time.

          The complexity of the problem is partially revealed in the Perturbed Parameter Ensemble runs of the GCMs. Tiny parameter changes relative to a given initial condition don’t produce bundle of solutions tightly bound to a nice, deterministic trajectory. It produces a diverging bundle of solutions. If one makes even major changes — completely rebalances the effects of CO_2 compared to other stuff — one simply gets a differently diverging bundle, one that very likely overlaps the bundle originally produced.
          What that means — technically — is that the inverse problem is not solvable. One quite literally cannot look at the climate and infer the effect of CO_2 from the temperature series, or predict the temperature series even from a perfect knowledge of the physics of CO_2. One cannot even do a good job of producing probabilities that any given model’s assignment of a “total climate sensitivity” to additional CO_2 are correct, partly because the overlap and lack of an inverse allow inference to be used in precisely the wrong direction, as is the rule and not the exception in climate science.

          The right direction is this. Nature is probably “right” — that is, what happens in nature is likely to be the most probably outcome of the physics, not the least probable outcome of the physics. Any other assumption is madness and an open invitation to confirmation bias, cherrypicking, storytelling, and all of the manifold abuses of science attendant upon a claim that a model is more likely to be correct than the nature the model is modelling. Models — as is the rule throughout all physical science! — must indeed be tested against nature (and not the other way around) in order to be validated as plausibly being correct models and sufficiently accurate to be of predictive use. When an untested model fails to agree with nature, we do not assume that nature is off on a comparatively improbable track, we assume that the model has failed unless and until it produces good agreement with nature.

          Finally, as anyone who does modelling professionally well knows, one cannot validate any model with its training data, with a reference set used to tune the model parameters Most complex models are effectively overcomplete bases and can easily fit almost any behavior over a finite interval while being completely wrong outside of that interval. That’s the fundamental problem with all of heuristic curve fitting of the temperature record to sine functions, linear trends, correlations across some finite segment with some proposed external causal agency (one at a time or all together). One can get an absolute perfect curve fit to a small segment of the data (as HenryP insists on doing) with some set of basis functions, but there is quite literally no mathematical reason to expect that the fit will extrapolate outside of the training set being fit. It might. It might not. It might for a while and then suddenly decide to change. This is absurdly true for chaotic trajectories, characterized by the property of never being able to be extrapolated forward with simple curves for arbitrary time intervals. (I could say much more about Taylor series, polynomial or non-polynomial representations, uniform convergence on intervals, and so on, but either you’ve taken real math and I don’t have to or else I’d have to give you a whole course in functional analysis with trivial examples of the substantial risk of building extrapolatory models without a sound physical foundation.)

          So yes, please, think about volcanic aerosols, human aerosols, volcanic and human particulates, the interaction of the above with patterns of humidity, cloud formation, rainfall, vertical heat transport in the form of latent heat, and the substantial variation of effective albedo brought about both by the direct effect of the aerosols themselves and their effect on cloud nucleation in semisaturated air. Think about how the decadal oscillations, the global atmospheric oscillations and variations in trade winds and the jet stream vary the pattern of delivery of humid air to concentrations of aerosols (which are often not particularly well mixed because they are being produced by sources localized in space and time). Think about how the particular month of the year might matter since the Earth might be getting 90 watts/m^2 more TOA TSI at one time of the year compared to another, so a volcano that goes off in the northern hemisphere in the winter might have a completely different effect than one that goes off in the southern hemisphere in the summer, and both might have completely different climate impact compared to a tropical volcano at any time of year. Consider how that effect might be further modulated by what the sea surface and thermohaline circulation are doing, by modulation of stratospheric water content or ozone, by solar magnetic effects. Then tell me that this is settled science, that we know what the net impact of increased CO_2 in this non-Markovian whirl of natural nonlinear multivariate dynamics is.

          I think not. I don’t think we even have a good idea.

          But you, of course, are welcome to linearize, trivialize, and believe anything you like. Everybody likes a good story.

          The models DIVERGE and even with them diverging NONE reproduce Ma Nature. Yet based on those flawed models the ClimAstrologist Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, claims that to save the world from ecological calamity we have to destroy capitalism and civilization.

          “This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution… democracy is a poor political system for fighting global warming. Communist China is the best model.

          The known legacy of Communism/socialism
          61,911,000 Murdered: The Soviet Gulag State (1922 – 1991)
          20,946,000 Murdered: The Nazi [National Socialist] Genocide (1933 – 1945)
          38,000,000 Murdered: The Communist Chinese Ant Hill (1947 to present)
          2,035,000 Murdered: The Khmer Rouge Hell State (1975 – 1977)
          1,670,000 Murdered: The Vietnamese War State
          1,585,000 Murdered: Poland’s Ethnic Cleansing
          1,072,000 Murdered: Tito’s Slaughterhouse
          1,663,000 Murdered? Orwellian North Korea

          From DEMOCIDE: Death by Government,

          128,882,000 murdered in the 20th century by their own government. No wonder the Elite have to use CAGW propaganda to try and sell this lethal form of government to the rubes!

        • Hank Hancock says:

          Thank you Gail Combs for putting a name to the saying. This time I’m writing it down 😀

          An excellent and informative exchange with Dr. Brown. It’s a good read.

    • They say satellite information is not accurate because the satellites measure upwelling microwaves to get through the clouds, and microwaves are not an accurate measure of temperature, and that satellites don’t measure temperature directly with upwelling IR.They have no idea what they’re talking about.

    • Hank Hancock says:

      You’re right. They don’t know what they are talking about. Satellites measure several bands at nadir (the closest path to the Earth directly below the satellite) and with forward scanning. Multiple bands have very specific and different attenuation through clouds, although small. By comparing the difference in attenuation of the different bands, they can precisely calculate how much cloud cover is affecting the measurement and correct for it with a high degree of accuracy.

      They also perform multiple spot measurements with each scan. By doing spot measurements, across the scan they can determine other factors (which I won’t belabor) hat may affect the accuracy of measurement and correct them.

      It is correct that satellites don’t directly measure temperature. They measure the microwave emissions of oxygen and CO2 which is proportional to temperature. Orbital decay is precisely known and is accounted for in ground based processing.

      The on-board instruments are calibrated in three ways. They use the differential of the cosmic background temperature and highly accurate platinum resistance thermometers, which together, can interpolate to Earth measurements. They inter-calibrate between satellites, and finally by comparing to highly accurate radiosonde measurements.

      • They also measure the temperature directly using IR, in the N-band window.

        • Hank Hancock says:

          True. However, it is my understanding that the MODIS visible and infrared imagers are used only to measure Sea Surface Temperature as IR is overly sensitive to changes in land surface features. That said, I can imagine that MODIS may be used in some way to augment microwave sensors to help derive land temperature. I’m not really sure. Alas, both SST and land temperature paint the bigger picture.

        • From that page:

          “The CERES instrument has three channels — a shortwave channel to measure reflected sunlight, a longwave channel to measure Earth-emitted thermal radiation in the 8-12 µm “window” region, and a total channel to measure all wavelengths of radiation.”

          The 8-12 um window is the N band

      • Jason Calley says:

        Hey Hank Hancock! “It is correct that satellites don’t directly measure temperature.”

        Exactly. The reason why we trust the measurements is that there is a direct and well understood chain of physics that connects microwave emissions with temperature. In the same vein, old liquid in tube thermometers do not directly measure temperature. They measure volumetric changes, but again, there is a direct and well understood chain of physics that connects volume changes with temperature. Electronic thermometers? Same situation with electrical resistance. IR readings? Yep.

        The one temperature related process that we do not have clear understanding and a direct chain of physics for is the process where the “climate scientists” change the various measurements and instead add or subtract mysterious “corrections”. How are they justified? How are they quantified? No one knows. At least no one who knows will confess. “The measurements said X, but we are going to call it Y.”

        • Hank Hancock says:

          Hello Jason! It’s good to read you again. Yes, those so invested in thermometer readings who take the position that satellites don’t directly read temperature to their discredit overlook the fact that thermometers don’t either.

          Like yourself, the thing that baffles me the most is how “climate scientists” make their changes through a combination of so called corrections and homogenization of thermometers that don’t actually exist. In my work, if I created sample points from non-existent measurements to bolster the statistical power then make the outlandish claim it somehow improves accuracy, my work would wind up in the trash bin and I would be flipping hamburgers for a living. I suppose that’s why most mathematicians and engineers are skeptics. 😉

  3. Andy DC says:

    I was reading about a guy that was a cooperative weather observer at his farm on Long Island for the past 85 years. He recently died at age 103. When NOAA starts tampering with his data and that from thousands of other diligent observers, it is a slap in the face to each and every one of them.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Those cooperative weather observers are doing it because they WANT TO. They are not being paid and they are not like the irresponsible scum the high schools and colleges are now turning out. They took the job seriously and were careful.

      I would trust data from 1880 to 1950 a heck of a lot more than I trust the data from 1990 to present.

    • Ted says:

      My guess is that most of today’s measurements are taken by college students, who do it to fulfill some class requirement, or whichever airport groundskeeper draws the short straw. I’m sure there are still plenty who legitimately care about getting accurate data. But 100 years ago, the ONLY people who did such things were the ones who legitimately cared about the data.

  4. AndyG55 says:

    Just for fun, on WUWT, I have asked Zeke Horsetrader to find the GHCN station in Addis Ababa.

    Pics and all. 😉

    If you look at

    you can see that for Africa, they have a very poor coverage, and from a search I have made, the few I have been able to find are likely to be highly urban or airport affected.

    And lets remember that Africa is some 4 times the area of the USA (where’s that pic of yours, Gail)

    If Zeke can’t do this, it shows that they are totally willing to use data from sources they know absolutely nothing about.

    I suspect that many of the Russian sites would have major issues as well, considering they often use centralised heating pumped underground to the houses, so any urban development has a big impact.

  5. ricks2014 says:

    I’ve said it before, and again, and again, etc., etc……

    Who are the “greater” slimeballs ?

    The “slimeballs” or the idiot “slimeballs” who support, propagate and vote into office the “slimeballs” ??

    Stupidity reigns !

    And in the Good Ole USA, it’s an epidemic !!!

    And once again I would like everyone to give a big “Thank You” to President [Moon Beam] (A distant relative of Governor Moon Beam (See California) Obama for saving us all from Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Snow Storms (Oops, except for the Pacific North West and the East Coast), Earthquakes and “UVB” Rays [Please keep in mind that President Moon-Beam-Obamas’ “Spiritual-Super-Powers” can be some what “Regional” at times, Moon-Beam Obama has to find time for Golf as to regenerate His incredible Moon-Beam-Powers])

    This has been a Public Service Announcement (Paid for by the Hillary “I didn’t delete everything on my server” Clinton for President MFA [Marxism for America] 2016 Party)

  6. Marsh says:

    Covering historical temperature events ; Saudi Arabia has had Snow in regions for the first time in 85 years… of course, the Warmists will ignore this fact or remove it from their records.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Snow storms hitting Middle east and not for the first time in the last decade.

      ABC News – May 2009
      Saudi Arabia Gets Snow in Midsummer
      …They got snow — several inches of it. There was enough to trap thousands of park-goers…
      Merco Press – 5 August 2010
      Snow in Brazil, below zero Celsius in the River Plate and tropical fish frozen
      ……..reports from landlocked Bolivia indicate that to the east of the country in tropical areas temperatures plummeted to zero causing “millions of dead fish” in rivers that normally flow in an environment of 20 Celsius….
      BBC News – 9 March 2010
      Snow hits Mediterranean coast
      Blizzards have hit the French Mediterranean coast amid warnings of up to 20 inches of snow in Northern Spain…
      CSM – 9 January, 2010
      Snow in Florida: Big chill culling unwanted iguanas and pythons
      …the extended cold threatened rare native species like turtles and the Florida manatee…
      Tunisia Live – 6 February 2012
      Tataouine, the Setting of Star Wars, Covered in Snow
      Residents of the southern Tunisian towns of Tataouine and Matmata…
      …enough to transform the landscape from an arid desert to a glistening-white tundra….
      Huffington Post – 7 August 2012
      South Africa Snowfall Stuns Johannesburg
      In Pretoria, the country’s capital, flurries filled the sky during a visit by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. It was the first snowfall there since 1968, the weather service said.
      Guardian – 10 January 2013
      Snow blankets Jerusalem – in pictures

      The worst snowstorm in 20 years has shut roads and schools in Jerusalem as the harsh weather affects regions across the Middle East
      _______________ – 15 January 2013
      Snow in Malta 2013
      In the past 200 years there were only few days when this miracle happened here. Malta has experienced just four snowfalls since 1895.
      Times of India – 6 February 2012
      Snow in Tripoli, but little chance in Malta
      Dec 11, 2014 Algeria – Heavy snowfall brings complete paralysis …… Most of the educational institutions of Bordj Bou Arréridj are in total paralysis due to snowfall in the region.

    • Gail Combs says:

      2011 Was a Real Winner as Solar cycle 24 finally dragged itself out of the Deep Solar Minimum

      28 Mar 2011 — All seven glaciers on California’s Mount Shasta are growing – Record snowfall to spur even more growth –
      Not only are Mt. Shasta’s glaciers growing, two have nearly doubled in size. Both the Hotlum and Wintun Glaciers have nearly doubled in size since 1950. With a record 98 inches of snow during the month of March, and an estimated 6 feet of new powder during the past week, the Mt. Shasta Ski Park is extending its ski season.

      15 Aug 2011 New Zealand Snowfall Sets New Records

      31 Aug 2011 – Met Office figures indicate UK – Coldest summer in nearly 20 years

      31 Aug 2011 — Ireland – One of coldest Augusts since 1851
      Following the coldest June in nearly 40 years and the coldest July in 50 years, this month is now one of the coldest Augusts since records began in 1851.

      14 Sep 2011 Early Freeze Could Severely Damage Minnesota Crops
      “Wednesday night’s overnight forecast of 25 degrees could be very damaging. Twenty-eight degrees [F] will pretty much kill everything. A normal frost isn’t seen until late September

      16 Sep 2011 Winter Arrives Early In Minnesota
      Record cold in International Falls – Duluth ties record for early winter snowfall And with a temperature of just 19F (-7.2C) on Wednesday, International Falls, Minnesota, endured the coldest temperature on record The first time that a local reading in the teens has been recorded during the month of September.

      September 18, 2011 — Summer switched off – Record low temps in 9 states
      Record low temperatures in nine states from Missouri to Michigan, snow in Colorado, snow on Mount Rainier, snow on Whistler-Blackcomb … and summer isn’t even officially over.

      Meanwhile, the coldest summer in 20 years wiped out two-thirds of the United Kingdom’s common blue butterfly,

      September 19, 2011 Record low temps in 39 states in September (so far) 924 broken records + 408 tied records = 1,332 total, just through the 18th.

      September 19, 2011 Record Snow in St. Moritz
      “There is about 45 cm (18 inches) of NEW snow in St-Moritz.” Record snow in the Grisons (South of Switzerland) In Sta. Maria it fell in Munster with 100 liters per square meter as much rain as never before since 1901.
      West Austria also got the snow with roads blocked and 3 trains stopped in Salzburg.

      Mnt Washington is under a mile high, has the deepest snow base in the world and has gone from 3 to 5 meters of snow base to over 7 meters in the last 2 years

      October 2, 2011 Earliest snowfall on record – Philipsburg and Laurel Summit, Pennsylvania
      Also snow down to 2500′ in the Blue Ridge of Virginia on the NC border. Snow falling heavily above 4500′ with accumulation reported and snow at Snowshoe Mtn Ski Resort WV a month earlier than normal. West Virginia got 1-3 inches of snow Saturday night into Sunday morning. And the official total for Snowshoe Mountain in West Virginia reached NINE INCHES.

      4 Oct 2011“Dangerous early season storm.” Up to 20 inches snow expected in Sierra Nevada
      Tahoe –
      October 4, 2011‘Earliest return of winter conditions since 1969′ (Northern California)
      Just 96 days since the last snow. According to the Central Sierra Snow Lab, this will be the shortest duration between snow storms since 1969.
      October 5, 2011 – Eighteen inches of snow for Colorado
      October 5, 2011 – Record Early Snow on Mammoth Mountain, CA (over a foot )
      Mammoth Mountain averages 5.2 inches of snow in October. Last year was a record breaking year with 668 inches of snow. “More snow is on the way tonight and tomorrow.” With six inches to a foot of snow expected by Thursday. Meanwhile Heavy mountain snow continued across Utah. Two feet already reported in some areas with Up to 30 inches forecast.

      October 7, 2011 With 3 feet of snow, Wolf Creek Ski Area will open this weekend … the earliest open ever. and on the 13th Arapahoe Basin opened to skiers and riders today, just 100 days.

      Not to be left out – EUROPE
      6 Oct 11 – “Cairgorm in the Highlands was the first place in the UK to experience the chill of winter as the ski slopes on the Scottish resort experienced the first dump of snow,”
      8 Oct 11 First snow of the season in Italy and “Extremely rare” early snow in Germany up to 4 inches of snow. The the Zugspitze (I have skiied there) already had 35 centimeters of snow – almost 14 inches. According to the weather center this is an extremely rare thing.” Since the beginning of weather record only in the years 1956 and 1994 fell a corresponding amount of snow at this time.”
      By Sunday, the cold will have reached as far south as northern parts of Turkey and Greece. The mountains in southern Greece and up the Adriatic should see the first snow of the season. There should be a good covering of snow at all levels through Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine and Belarus, with temperatures falling to well below zero over this snow cover.

      October 15, 2011 – Arctic blast to bring snow to the U.K.
      freezing temperatures on Monday would “fall away sharply” towards the end of the week, plunging to minus 4C (25F) in parts. And Rao mentions yet another forecaster, senior meteorologist Richard James@ World forecasters World Climate Service calling for a mini ice age.
      October 17, 2011 Earliest snow in Ireland since 1964

      “Records for the month of October have been shattered across the Northeast. Some spots have seen an astonishing, by October standards, 1 to 2 feet of snow! According to Vermont Public Radio, heavy wet snow set records in southern Vermont this Halloween weekend postponing Rutland’s Halloween Parade. More than 16 inches of snow fell in West Halifax, Brattleboro got 15 inches of snow, and 13 inches fell in Wilmington. Two million were still without power after the record-smashing New England snowstorm.

      Meanwhile Amarillo, Texas received almost five inches of heavy, wet snow on October 27 breaking 100-year-old snowfall record.

      Record snowfall in the spring, record snowfall in the autumn, skiing on the 4th of July, and glaciers growing in the Rockies. Three of the last four winters up to 2011 were the snowest and I will leave it at that.

    • Gail Combs says:

      The rest of the time up until now have also been rather snowy and cold for the Warmest Years Evah! If the ClimAstrologists wanted to yell an Ice age is coming like they did in the early 1970s they certainly have enough ammo.

      Freak cold in the Andes kills hundreds
      Cold Blast Claims Over 600 Lives Across Eastern Europe/Russia…”Death Toll Keeps Rising…State Of Emergency”
      Coldest January on record for parts of Alaska
      2012 the coldest July on record in Anchorage Alaska
      Shortage of food in Uzbekistan city due to snow
      The First Time Occurred, Snow Storm Hits West Sumatra, Indonesia on Wednesday, March 28. – Snow record broken in South Africa
      Johannesburg marvels at rare snowfall
      Unprecedented cold in Morocco
      Heavy snowfall in Tunisia, Roads in Ain Draham blocked by 31 inches (80 cm) of snow

      Record cold in Cape Town, South Africa
      Rare snow in Atacama desert
      Brazil – Snow in over 80 cities – Roads and schools closed
      Worst cold spell in 80 years hammers Chile fruit crops
      More than 25 000 animals killed in southern Peru
      “Extraordinary” cold and large snowfall for southern Brazil
      Lao Cai Province Viet Nam, an unusual snowfall early this week caused an estimated loss of around VND10 billion
      Jerusalem hit by worst snowstorm for TWENTY YEARS, eight inches fall across Holy City
      Wintry blast to hit New Zealand
      July frosts reduce Brazil wheat, coffee
      Tibetan nomads in Ladakh call out for help, Thousands of livestock perish
      first time snow has fallen in the state of Arkansas during the month of May
      Single-day record May snowfalls have likely fallen in Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.
      Blizzard Of 2013 Reaches Top 5 Snowstorms In New England History
      Snow in Malta 2013 -. Malta has experienced just four snowfalls since 1895.
      Rare June snow blankets northwest China.

      Record snowfall (almost 7 ft) in northern Iran
      Temperatures up to 40 degrees below normal in the [US] High Plains
      Slovenia paralyzed by snow and ice
      Southern Austria on highest avalanche alert after heavy snow – A meter of snow in two days – Valleys and roads cut off
      Serbia – 1,000 evacuated from cars, buses and trains – Snow drifts 3.5 meters high
      Poland – Heavy snowfall and blizzards
      Heavy snowfalls and blizzard hammer southern Romania
      Tibetan nomads in Ladakh call out for help, Thousands of livestock perish
      Brisbane – Vegetable prices expected to soar due to cold snap
      Green Bay made it 49 days with subzero temperatures, the most in a winter. The previous record, 48 days, was set in 1976-77. Just before 4 a.m., the temperature was minus 18, breaking the previous record of minus 17 set in 1962. The mercury continued to fall to minus 21 just before 5 a.m., according to the National Weather Service office in Ashwaubenon.
      Aemi tropical Tokushima, Japan (34.0° N same as South Carolina) has been hit with major snow storms roofs collapsed, at least 8 dead. Japan got plastered with a series of storms last winter.
      Heavy snowfall shuts down six highways in China
      Early Winter Storm Hammers Vermont – Power Outages “Unprecedented”
      Heavy snow shuts down Trans Canada Highway east of Quebec City
      Algeria – Heavy snowfall brings complete paralysis of most educational institutions
      Japan – Heavy snowfall kills eight
      Kazakhstan – 530 people rescued from snowdrifts since the beginning of winter
      Heavy snow knocks out power to 10 municipalities in Bulgaria
      Heavy snowfall traps people on the road in Mersin, Turkey
      Austria ice storm – So bad that authorities use tanks to move supplies
      Heavy snowfall continues in Japan
      Six greenhouses collapse under heavy snow in NE China
      Waist-deep snow in China – Most severe snowstorm in years
      Record snowfall in Juneau, Alaska </b.
      Serbia – Ice storm and deep snow – People experiencing mental breakdown after 48 hours without electricity, water and heating
      Austria – Rare ice storm hits Waldviertel
      100,000 Czech travelers stranded due to freezing arctic weather
      Eastern Turkey – Heavy snowfall reduces visibility to 16 feet (5 m)
      Iran – Snow and blizzards began in early November and still continue
      Turkey – Heavy snowfall knocks out power for 4 days – and still counting
      Russia – Minus 32 degrees and Heavy Snow in Tomsk
      One meter of snow in eastern Turkey
      Buffalo – 30 major roof collapses, 100 minor collapses (SEVEN FEET of snow in one storm) Buffalo normally gets only 8 ft for the entire winter.
      Ice on the Mississippi River in Iowa (Nov 20)

      Canberra’s coldest winter in 15 years
      Bogota, Colombia, covered in 24 inches of snow
      Record snow in Abruzzo, Italy (elevation 36 ft) for about 24 consecutive hours it snowed persistently recording a total accumulation of 1 meter and a half.
      World Record Snowfall in Capracotta, Italy Previous record Silver Lake, Colorado, USA with 75.8 inches
      Greek islands in the Mediterranean buried under 6½ ft (2 m) of snow
      Heavy snowfall causes road closures in Mexico
      A very unusual snowing forced the closure of the Mexico City – Puebla City 150-D highway
      Norway – Forced to remove excessive snow from ski slopes – “During the last two days we’ve got more snow than we had in the last two years together,” says Vegar Sårheim. “I had never believed we would experience this.”

    • Elliott Beam says:

      Or they’ll probably just point to global data trends rather than cherry picking random anecdotes, you know (well no, clearly you don’t), because that’s how science works.

      • Marsh says:

        Elliott… obviously you have a deficiency in differentiating hard evidence from Climate-scammed Graphs. As to Global data trends, the real, untampered data over recent years ; has been trending Cooler Winters with more Ice & Snow… that is a fact..!
        Science is not about doctoring records to fit & meet an agenda, you know ( well no, clearly you don’t ) because the trend by Warmists, is to jump the Scientific Method.

  7. Marsh says:

    Yes Gail , I believe a few more Records, can shortly be added in the coming weeks, given the Snow forecast for the Northern Hemisphere,,, the UK is now in panic mode…

    • Gail Combs says:

      We are up early prepping for the coming snow/sleet/freezing rain. Making sure all the water tanks are topped off and all the animals are under cover and have hay. (Hay burner is accurate. Hay digestion produces heat and helps warm the animal) I do not worry about snow, however freezing rain and a wind can be lethal.

      Also making sure the generator will start and we have water stock piled in the house and all that.

      • Marsh says:

        Looks like you’re well prepared Gail & I hope all goes well for you. I’ve never lived in such freezing places ; the lowest temperature I ever experience, was one Winter near the upper shores of lake Michigan. Of course, visiting & living there are two different things.

        • Gail Combs says:

          We lived in MA and NH which is an entirely different story because our stock tanks had de-icers in them and we got snow instead of freezing rain. People down here are just not prepared. (Forget trying to drive, no plows no sand — Cars flipped upside down in the median, most with yankee plates.)

          The first farm I boarded at here in NC we had a blizzard/ice storm while the brothers were in Texas competing. They could not get home. Their elderly mother could not cope with the ice. All the waterlines to the barns and paddocks froze solid… Thank goodness I had chains on my truck and could get to the place. Hubby and I hauled water using gallon jugs to more animals than I could count. Luckily most had 100 gal stock tanks so all we had to do was use a hammer to break the ice for the cows. But the horses stalled in the barn needed each bucket refilled each day.

          That is why my water lines are planted three feet down and not six inches to a foot. It is also why I have frost free hydrants all over the farm. It is still a royal pain since I normally have all the livestock out on pasture. Also the electric is expected to go out as the snow/ice takes out branches.

          The snow is falling and my pastures are now white and empty of livestock except for the sheep.

      • RAH says:

        Digestion creates heat in all warm blooded animals. The more metabolic activity required to digest something, the more heat that is generated. In humans fats and proteins such as one gets from beans require the body to work harder to digest than carbs or sugars. Thus if you wanna stay warmer longer when you climb into your sleeping bag in very cold weather your last meal of the day should be heavy on fats and/or proteins. You’ll sleep warmer. But even doing that in really cold conditions was not enough sometimes so I always kept both jerky and chocolate handy that I could munch on in the sleeping bag if I woke up cold. Chocolate for the quick burst and jerky for longer lasting warmth.

        Managing your internal metabolic thermostat is just part of remaining healthy and functioning at peak performance in really cold conditions when you have not outside heat source and thus must rely on your metabolic furnace for all your warmth. And that is part of the reason why dehydration is every bit as dangerous in really cold weather as it is in really hot weather. For the metabolic furnace to work at peak efficiency you have to be well hydrated.

        The Russians used have a requirement for a ration of pure lard for their soldiers in extreme cold conditions and my team would have carried it had the conditions without resupply for a real world mission had required it.

        • Gail Combs says:

          Water in winter is a big deal with livestock too. Hay impaction is a major killer. I make sure I add extra salt to the feed ration when I switch to hay to stimulate drinking. For the goats we give them warm water if it gets really cold. The herd will suck down around four buckets of warm water through the day. (They have a stock tank too but go for the warm water instead.)

        • Jason Calley says:

          “The Russians used have a requirement for a ration of pure lard for their soldiers”

          I remember reading somewhere an account of British or American high Arctic explorers from the early part of the 20th century. They had sticks of butter in their provisions, and when they visited an Inuit village they gave them as gifts to local children. The kids ate the sticks of butter like we would eat a candy bar, and clamored for more. 🙂

        • RAH says:

          I don’t know how it is in other mammals but for humans one of the least reliable sensory inputs is thirst. Just because you aren’t thirsty doesn’t mean you aren’t running a deficit. When living out in really cold conditions for extended periods the vast majority of people tend not to drink enough hydrating fluids. Watching urine color is a much better way to keep tabs on your level of hydration. When the snow gets too yellow you know what you have to do. For us at times that meant stopping a movement and breaking out a stove and using some of our precious fuel to melt snow or ice in order to get everybody rehydrated again. Keeping hydrated in really cold conditions when everyone is lugging 80 lbs or more of equipment traversing up a mountain can be tough and the higher one goes the harder it is.

  8. Hifast says:

    Reblogged this on Climate Collections.

  9. RAH says:

    Brought the big truck home Thursday when I got back in from Canada.

    When I went in Tuesday to take off for Canada I found out that the maintenance people had started it because of the cold weather and had left it idling. Leaving it idle of hours upon hours results in the ceramic filter in the exhaust starting to clog. So before I could go anywhere I had to do a regeneration which took 40 minutes. Having the truck here I can just go out and start it every 10 hours or so and let it idle for about an hour and then shut it down and that will work just fine with the temps we have now. If it were colder in the zero range I would have to idle it a lot more frequently and if it was staying below zero for very long I would just have to leave it idle. I went out just now and she started right up after sitting all night. The temp outside was 17 deg F when I started it.

    As I write this there are a whole lot of divers just sitting on the road or parked somewhere. There’s a 35 mile back up on I-75 in KY besides all the problems over on the east coast. IMO driving 100 miles or a little more out of route is better than getting stuck in something like that if one can do it. But of course some of those driver had no choice because of where they have to go.

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