Hayhoe : Northeast Winters Becoming Less Snowy

When Katharine Hayhoe isn’t lying about Texas drought, she is busy lying about snow in the Northeast.

Screenshot 2016-01-23 at 11.06.24 AM-down


Mayors stupid enough to listen to Katharine Hayhoe are likely to end up unemployed.

Screenshot 2016-01-23 at 11.19.58 AM

And how is her Texas drought working out?

Screenshot 2016-01-23 at 11.15.09 AM


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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28 Responses to Hayhoe : Northeast Winters Becoming Less Snowy

  1. AndyG55 says:

    Winters in the USA ARE NOT becoming warmer


  2. RAH says:

    Seems that K. Hayho is the perfect foil. What ever she says is going to happen turns out that the opposite is what occurs. I want her to start predicting more hurricanes and tornadoes. Really I would rather her predict that it will get colder but that’s too much to ask.

  3. Andy DC says:

    Every idiot knows that snowfall was normal every year until evil carbon pollution poisoned the planet. Right!

  4. spren says:

    As someone who has lived his entire life in the northeast, this fraudulent women should be placed under adult supervision. The 1950s through the late 1970s saw brutally cold winters with quite a bit of snow. We moderated in these extremes from this time until the mid 90s. Then it has been back to the norm of bitter cold and large snowfalls.

    I now live in CT and the past 3 winters are the worst I can remember. We have had at least one snow over 2 feet each year for the past decade. We had a 42 inch snow storm two years ago, and two over 30 inches just last year. These cultists are certifiable.

    • Gail Combs says:

      We get solid water about once every five years here in mid NC. Right now we have an inch of solid ice covered with about a half inch of snow. Thank goodness for chains and crampons! That combo is more slippery than straight ice.

  5. ricks2014 says:

    Hey Steven, how are you doing buddy, and howz that Hoe doing these days ?

    I remember sending an email to that Hoe a while back, I said to her, “Hay is not good for Hoe’s, hay is for cattle and horses ?”

    I guess that Hoe’s won’t listen to ya even when you’re trying to help !

    But then again, Hoe’s were never very intelligent in the first place…

    Oh well !

  6. Don says:

    They all need to be put in a safe place, away from the rest of us, with plastic scissors and utensils, they are that unbalanced. Perhaps Greenland.

  7. Menicholas says:

    I was looking at soil moisture maps a few days ago, and comparing them to drought maps. Many areas with excessive soil moisture are listed as being in a state of exceptional drought. So, the highest soil moisture classification at the same time as the driest drought designation.
    And some of the drought areas were added only in the past month, even as the last places with below normal soil moisture received heavy rains. There are now zero places in the US, lower 48, with dryer than normal soil.
    First time I ever recall seeing a map with no below normal soil moisture areas on it. And I have looked at these for decades.

  8. resistance says:

    There are zero drought conditions on the West Coast. Something is fishy about that map.

    • RAH says:

      The Palmer drought index seems to usually lag over a month behind reality.

      • Menicholas says:

        Just to be clear on what I was saying above, there are reasons why soil moisture and drought are not the same, obviously. Long term deficits can lead to ponds, lakes and reservoirs being depleted, even if recent rain moistens the soil. But some long term deficits will never be made up as long droughts give way to normal or even above normal precipitation patterns. But these long term shortfalls may not have to be erased to return lakes and reservoirs to normal levels.
        I think at least part of it is just a willingness by some of the people deciding such things to obscure or simply not recognize any good news in order to maintain a crisis mentality.
        Not a new thought, but some of these drought map areas, such as northern California and the central Sierra Nevada mountains, seem to be out of whack with recent rains and snowpack data.



        Compare these to the top map (Which is December, I know), and it appears something fishy is afoot.

      • RAH says:

        Almost all of the reservoirs in CA are still under 50% of their historic average. This of course can be expected to improve greatly for most of them once the melt begins.

        • Ernest Bush says:

          A real crime here is how much rain is falling over the northern half of the state with little of it retained for use during the current drought.

        • Menicholas says:

          And they still have February and March, after all. I think some of the biggest rains often come late in the winter.
          Last week at atmospheric river could be seen extending from the equatorial Pacific all the way across Central America and up into the North Atlantic to Great Britain.
          Just need one of those to point towards southern California, and they will be brimful pretty suddenly.

  9. resistance says:

    … Other than most of the “drought” areas displayed are very arid deserts!!!

  10. Chris says:

    Something seems way off. The west coast has been battered with storm after storm this year. I thought central California was in the plus range?

  11. RAH says:

    BTW the guards maintained their vigil at the Tomb of the Unknowns during the blizzard just as they did though Hurricanes Sandy and Isabel. When the day comes that they leave their post with being properly relieved you’ll know there is a real problem.

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